Title: Feliz Navidad (1/1)
Fandom: Prison Break
Genre: Alternate Universe
Characters: Michael Scofield, Sara Tancredi, Lincoln Burrows, LJ Burrows, Jane Phillips
Pairing: Michael/Sara, Lincoln/Jane
Length: 8,895 words
Rating: Meanders from G to R, if you know what I mean.
Summary: Christmas is a time when you get homesick, even when you’re at home.
Author's Note:Written for the
Holiday Hijinks Challenge at
pbhiatus_fic. Part of the
Full Circle series, it takes place between the 'end' and 'epilogue' of
Safe House and a short time after
Sleeping with Ghosts. Anyone who doesn't know what a Christmas cracker is can click
here. Many thanks to
sarah_scribbles for the Christmas cheerleading and the naughty chatter about mp3 players and to
mrs_spleen for not minding that I'm an accidental storyline stealer because she is ace. Happy holiday wishes to all of you, and a very special thank you to the lovely people who have read my scribblings this year. I appreciate you more than I can say.
Feliz Navidad