Title: The Time They Need (1/3)
clair_de_luneCharacters: Michael/Sara, Lincoln
Genres: General, romance
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just borrowing them for a while.
Summary: Michael, Lincoln, Sara and a boat.
Notes: I’ll admit that I’m a bit in denial as far as Sara is concerned, but this was written a few months ago, right after the end of the second season. So canon ‘til episode 2.22 and AU after that. Initially written for
pbff_echange with the prompt: Michael/Sara, Lincoln, a boat, a good bottle, and the sentence “Each of my acts is destruction.”
Many thanks to
recycledfaery for her help with the translation.
It’s just dandy, then, because all three of them are, to various degrees, shattered into small pieces.