Title: What Hurts the Most
Author: wrldpossibility
Pairing/Characters: Michael/Sara, Lincoln Burrows, Susan B., LJ Burrows, Whistler, T-Bag, Lechero, OC
Category: Gen, AU
Spoilers: Seasons 1-3
Rating: R (language)
Chapter: 8
Summary: In the aftermath of "Sona", Sara and Lincoln are left to their own devices, and Michael is left behind bars. An alternative version of S3.
A/N: After the double blow of 3.06 and 3.07 emo last night, I feel the need to immerse myself in AU faux-Season 3. I hope this story will continue to do as I intended, which is to keep myself and anyone else nice enough to read it excited about our beloved PB characters no matter where canon roams. I want to thank sarah_scribbles for a certain excellent plot bunny that I mulled over for weeks before including in this chapter. She won't want any credit for it, because she's modest and kind and clearly way too good to be my lj friend, but she deserves it, all the same.
What Hurts the Most, Chapter 8