Title: With Tired Souls, We Slept
Fandom: Prison Break
Characters: Michael, L.J. (Gen with vague shades of Michael/Sara)
Prompt: 081: How?
Word Count: 5,945
Rating: PG
Summary: Michael and L.J. try to survive surviving.
Disclaimer: Paul Scheuring and a whole lot of other people who aren’t me own Prison Break.
Spoilers: Through 3.04
Warnings: References to character deaths. Angsty boys angsting. Some crying. Platonic bed-sharing. Overuse of dashes and ellipses (and the word "angst").
A/N: I didn't include anything about where exactly they are or how they got there, as it's not really relevant, but if it helps, I picture them shacked up somewhere in Australia, down the beach from Duncan Kane. Also, I stole a couple of ideas from
thelana during
this conversation.
In the beginning neither of them speaks much at all. )