Title: The Original Scofield Scheme and its Spectacularly Successful Failure
Author: Chanchito
Fandom: Prison Break
Characters: Cristina Rose Scofield Burrows. With: Aldo Burrows, Lincoln Burrows, Michael Scofield.
Rating: PG-13.
Category: GEN, Pre-Series.
Genre: Drama, Angst, Character Study.
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: Language, violence, sexual references.
A/N: This story is a prequel to Rage of Angels. But although it is a part of the Two Decades series, because it precedes those stories, it isn't necessary to read any of the others.
Summary: Christina Scofield Burrows had plans. Some came to fruition, some ended in dismal failure. But Christina's most intricate machination, her son Michael, was at once her most spectacular failure and her greatest triumph.
"She gnawed on the woolly remnants of their family and remained hungry."
The Original Scofield Scheme and its Spectacularly Successful Failure