Title: Pure Desperation (sequel to Sweet Misery)
domfangirlCharacters/Pairings: Lincoln/Veronica, Michael/Veronica
Category: Multi-chapter (and second story in a series)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: It's been 4 years since Michael and Veronica had their summer fling, but when things get rough between Linc and Vee again, what will Michael do? (Oh, come on, you know know what he'll do!)
Author’s Notes: I recommend reading Sweet Misery first, because this will refer back to everything that happened in that story. This prologue is necessary to set up what will happen in this part of the story. It actually takes place about 3 years after Michael and Veronica broke up and a year before the story picks up again. As usual, this story is for
chanchito_z who helps feed my obsession with writing inappropriate pairings in this fandom. :D