Title: Kiss
Author: happywriter06
Rating: PG-13
Category: Mostly Het (AU, Pre-series, Post-escape)
Characters: Aldo Burrows, Christina Burrows (A/C), Lincoln Burrows, Veronica Donovan, Jane Phillips (L/V, L/J), Michael Scofield, Sara Tancredi (M/S), LJ Burrows, Amber Craig (LJ/A)
Disclaimer: Only in my dreams do I own these characters.
Notes: I’ve wanted to write a fic exploring the relationships between the Burrows/Scofield men and the women in their lives for a while now. (Amber is a friend of LJ’s. She can be seen on the Prison Break DVD that comes with the book. I made up Amber’s last name.) This is what I came up with for
foxriver_fic ’s September Challenge. It doesn’t follow the prompt exactly but I still hope you guys like.
Love is a sudden revelation, a kiss always a discovery.