Sorry this has been a while and it's very, very short but I hope it sets up the Grand Finale!! Coming soon...well, that's the plan!!
Title: An Unfamiliar Feeling of Guilt 1/2
foxriverinmate Characters: Michael/Kellerman
Category: SLASH
Warnings: Blood play; M/M sex
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None! It's gloriously AU!!
Disclaimer: Not mine; never have been, never will be. Do you enjoy seeing me cry?!!
Summary: Lincoln, Michael and Alex are vampires.... YES, vampires! It might be useful to read the earlier tales in this series - linked below!
A/N: This has been a blast since I've written it with the eternally wonderful
pamalax! And the brilliant
the_t_blogger has also made hot and sweet contributions to the verse with some gorgeous interludes!!
The Fang Boys Lair I'd Rather Perish In The Blazing Sun I'd Rather Walk Out Into The Sunlight An Unfamiliar Feeling of Guilt