Title: Crossing is Easy When the Line Disappears.
Author: Pamala
Characters: Mahone/Wheeler SLASH
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I know they're not mine. I'm old and tired so, PTB,
please don't slap me around for playing with your toys.
Summary: Wheeler comes to see Mahone within the walls of Sona.
Thanks: To
brushed_velvet My Wheeler/Mahone partner in crime
for the beta and any follow through he muse may be willing to give us on this
one. THANKS!!
It took some doing -- my badge... a wad of cash ... resorting to flashing my weapon which seemed to be what the man understood most -- but eventually I'd gotten what I came for and I was left waiting silent, sitting in the dingy visitation room as the man went off to retrieve Alex and bring him to me.
The vague thought that I'd been duped for a fist full of small bills and would be left there locked away like the man I sought nibbling away at my brain I'm relieved beyond reason as, the door opening slowly, the man I seek is thrust through the door only moments before it is slammed shut and locked with a loud bang that echoes through the crumbling stone walls.
" Wheeler? What the fuck?! I'm in prison ... that's what you wanted! Why are you here? What do you want? "
He's dirty and tired.
Seeing his face, heaven knows what's hidden under his filthy and tattered clothing, even in shadow clearly showing several partially healed scrapes and cuts from what it has taken him -- fighting ... the occasionally beating -- to stay alive in this hell hole of third world justice I'm ready with just one look at him to sell my soul to the devil to get him free.
" You could have told me the truth, Alex! "
He stands silent staring down at me waiting.
While I thought I'd seen the slightest tremble of chemical withdrawal as he entered the room it becomes clear and undeniable, his right hand shaking violently at his side, as he stands still before me.
First things first, giving him what he needs most, I place the bottle of pills on the table between us while I speak.
"I found these in your desk. Not many left in there but maybe there's enough to take the edge off while you're coming down. "
" You went through my desk? "
Picking up the bottle rolling it over and over it his hand yet not opening it he watches me carefully, his eyes asking a million questions without saying a word.
" I've been through your desk. Through your house, Alex. It took a while but I managed to break in and get a few scraps of information from both of your computers. Forget Shales, realistically speaking I'm not sure years and years of chasing cold blooded killers like Shales won't eventually push me to do the same thing. The rest of it, all the others -- you could have told me Alex ... you should have told someone -- you were blackmailed ... forced into it all, weren't you? "
Wordless, his head dipping low refusing to meet my eye the only admission he's willing to give, his body shaking harder and harder under the crushing weight of guilt, chemical withdrawal and defeat pushes me to move in closer. Taking the pill bottle in my hand as I do, I reach out taking firm hold of his arm and drawing him near I steady him, offering myself as someone to lean on in every possible way as I open my mouth to speak.
" Take the pills, Alex. I understand them. I understand it all now. You're a mess, you need something to get you clear if we're gonna find a way to get you out of here. "
Tilting his head up slowly the words * I do ... really do * making their way free from a sad smile he, without warning, strong fingers tangled in hair damp with sweat from the Panamanian sun at the base of my neck, pulls me to him in a fierce, needy and bruising kiss pressing our bodies as close as possible as his hand works the button and zip of his trousers trapped between our bodies.
Losing myself in the taste and feel of him to the point I can barely stand I, with great effort because I never want to let go, knowing what it is he wants ... what he needs, pull myself from his arms dropping slowly -- I take my time ... he likes to watch me -- and purposefully to my knees before him.
Reaching out to him, the material of his half open pants wrapped up in my fingers, my heart swells with love as he leans down whispering " Not this time " against my ear while pulling me to my feet in front of him.
Being near him again, his hot mouth devouring the flesh of my exposed neck, my knees go weak under me as he spins me around, my thighs making firm contact with the table before me with his need for me pressing firmly into the small of my back from behind.
Pushing me forward toward the table top, his teeth, a strong hand tugging hard at the collar of my shirt to expose the flesh he desires, nipping at my shoulder he utters the words -- his voice a low rumbling growl of need against my ear -- I've been waiting to hear since the first moment I laid eyes upon the man.
" I don't have a job anymore, Wheeler... and you don't work for me. There are no ethics ... no line left that needs to be kept uncrossed any longer. "