Title: Incognito
clair_de_luneCharacter, pairing: Sara (hint of Michael/Sara)
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Summary: I have always had some sort of sick fascination with pirates.
Beta-reader: Thanks to
be_cool_bec for the beta of the English version
Title: Addiction
clair_de_luneCharacter: Lincoln
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Summary: He has a soft spot for them.
Beta-reader: Thanks to
be_cool_bec for the beta of the English version
Title: Encaged
clair_de_luneCharacters: Michael, Lincoln
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Summary: I remember a bear...
Beta-reader: Thanks to
be_cool_bec for the beta of the English version
Title: Duckie
clair_de_luneCharacter: Michael
Genre: Gen, Humor
Rating: G
Summary: He doesn’t often have a bath, he prefers showers.
Beta-reader: Thanks to
be_cool_bec for the beta of the English version
Four drabbles written on prompt