Title: The Importance of Sandalwood in the Treatment of Inmate Cuff Rash
foxriverinmateCharacters: Brad Bellick, Henry Pope. Michael Scofield, Sara Tancredi, OCs
Categories: Pre-escape, Alternate Universe
Genre: Crackfic
Rating: NC-17 (for language and kinky sexual innuendo!)
Warnings: Miniscule hints of slash; hand-porn; silliness;
Disclaimer: You think I'd be working as a corporate slave if I owned these characters?
Summary: Inmate Scofield suffers from Cuff Rash and the experts are called in to help
Dedication: For the Original Characters in this fic! They know who they are!
A/N 1: Inspired by the wonderful
Sandalwood by the wonderful
mrs_spleen! It’s not a sequel or a prequel, though it could loosely be described as a sister-fic; just a bit of silliness that her gorgeous Project Lock Him Up story planted in my mind! Thank you, Oh Goddess of Teh_Sandalwood!
A/N 2: Written to satisfy my inflated ego, my cuffed Scofield kink and my sense of the ridiculous!
The Importance of Sandalwood in the Treatment of Inmate Cuff Rash