Safe House - Chapter 18 - THE END

Jul 29, 2007 20:17

Title: Safe House - Chapter 18 (aka THE END)
Fandom: Prison Break
Pairing: Sara Tancredi/Michael Scofield
Other Characters: Lincoln Burrows, Jane Phillips, LJ Burrows
Length: 18,831 words split into two halves. *facepalms*
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The words safe house conjure up a picture of a dark and fortified hideout, certainly not this plain but clean wooden house in the outer suburbs.
Author's Note:Almost a year ago, I asked for a writing prompt in this post here, and time_agent came up with a prompt involving Lincoln and Sara set after "Better Than Nothing. Sure, I thought. I can whip up a ficlet about that. Well, thousands of words later, here I am, posting the last chapter of one huge arse story! Many thanks to sk56 for the beta, and more thanks that I will ever be able to express to sarah_scribbles, who has been a one-woman cheer squad during the last few months. Most importantly, huge thanks to everyone who has been kind enough to comment or drop me a line to let me know they were reading along. And, just as with the previous chapter, I had to split this chapter into two halves, so please make sure you read Part One first.

Safe House - Chapter Eighteen - THE END

het, mgenevieve, michael/sara, safe house, nc-17

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