Title: Revelations
Character/Pairing: Michael Scofield, Original Character (though not a character that is at all fleshed-out or important whatsoever. There is also mention of Sara and thus implied Michael/Sara even though she's not in the story).
Word Count: 200
Rating: G
Spoilers: 2x22, "Sona"
Summary: The need to save someone he loves first took Michael to prison and that same need has brought him back again.
Other: This was written in response to Challenge #8, "First Impressions" issued at
pbhiatus_fic to write a drabble about Michael's first words inside of Sona. It's been said before but I'll say it again: I can't drabble. 100 words is simply never enough for my overactive brain so the fact that I cut it down to 200 words is a miracle in itself. Think of it is a double drabble!
Author's Note: Prison Break and its characters have been manipulated here without the knowledge or consent of 20th Century FOX Television. I am not affiliated with the show, its production companies or cast members and no copyright infringement is intended. Like what you read? Comments are ♥ and so are new friends!
When Michael finally speaks, his jaw feels rusty, his tongue dry, his words mechanical and matter-of-fact.