Title: My Family, My Blood, My Everything 2/2
Author: foxriverinmate
Characters: Michael/Lincoln
Category: SLASH
Warnings: M/M sex and a little vampiric blood play
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None! It's gloriously AU!!
Disclaimer: Not mine; never have been, never will be. Do you enjoy seeing me cry?!!
Summary: Lincoln, Michael and Alex are vampires.... YES, vampires! It might useful to read the earlier tales in this series - linked below!
A/N: The wonderful and much esteemed pamalax has already written and posted the first part of this one - linked below! So, as usual, she's let me loose with my smutty paints again!
Fangy Tales; the story so far! Another fangy interlude from the_t_blogger Part 1 of My Family, My Blood, My Everything My Family, My Blood, My Everything