Characters: Michael/Sara, Mahone, Nika, Bellick
Category: Alternate Universe, Post Escape, Het, Crack
Rating: R (bad language, adult themes, sexual content)
Length: 5500 words
Summary: Mahone and Bellick find their abilities to keep up with the clue trial have melted in the heat of Hawaii. Michael arrives in Maui with his hotpanted wife in close pursuit. Sara discovers some musical stimulation in her Maui retreat and Scofield meets another very familiar face.
A/N I am very much a product of 80s music because it was always blaring through my walkman in formative ears years. This chapter is dedicated to all my older (very old) siblings who taught me about good music, appreciating a wide variety of sound and filled my brain with the songs of the seventies before I could even talk. I love you very much, you lurkers x
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