Title: Three Hundred and Eight Million, Four Hundred and Forty Eight Thousand
tearcreek Characters: Alexander Mahone, Pamela Mahone
Pairing: Alex/Pam
Category: Het
Rating: PG-13
Summary: And you think *that* is a big number. For them, it's been ten years.
Just a sweet wake up fic really.
Notes: Just before I go on: I don’t care if it’s plausible or not because it is Prison Break. They break so many rules on that show that ten years is nothing in comparison.
Notes 2: This is written for
pamschallenges’s June Challenge: ‘Wake Up Call’ where I have Pam Mahone
Notes 3: Critique… except anything to do with the ten years… is EXTREMELY welcome. I want to grow in my writing.
Warnings: None
canadian_kazzSpoilers: Let’s just say 2x09 Unearthed and onwards for Alex’s guilt issues okay?
Dedicated to:
canadian_kazz. Do you know how much you mean to me, Karen?
Three Hundred and Eight Million, Four Hundred and Forty Eight Thousand