Title: Beautiful Decay 4/4 (+ epilogue)
tearcreek Pairing/Characters: Michael Scofield, Sara Tancredi (Michael/Sara)
Category: Angst/Light Fluff
Rating: NC-17 (for previous chapters, sexual situations, sexual references)
Summary: Michael’s back in prison, while the conspiracy is deconstructed without him.
When the world falls apart there is colour. Flashes of red, orange, dark purples, black and green.
Prompt: 14 - Regret
I have a table
canadian_kazzSpoilers (if any): Spoilers for 2x20 and 2x21 respectively. No spoilers for 2x22 Sona.
Dedication: For
therathasspoken - there’s an exquisite pain in beautiful decay.
Chapter Notes: This is the last chapter of this fic, but an epilogue is coming…
Beautiful Decay: Chapter 1 Beautiful Decay: Chapter 2 Beautiful Decay: Chapter 3 Beautiful Decay: Chapter 4