When All Is Gone...Faith Remains

Jan 25, 2007 21:28

Title:  When All Is Gone...Faith Remains
Author:  bluedelft
Pairing/Characters:  Lincoln
Category:  Gen
Rating:  PG-13
Summary:  Lincolns' first Christmas at Fox River
Author's Notes:  Written for pamalax holiday challenge where I had the prompt "sad Lincoln."  After starting this fic twice and deleting both of them I finally finished.  Thanks to bluetoille for editing.  Thanks to my flist who read the unedited version and for all of the wonderful comments!

Abandoned first by his father who he thought was a hero…a father who would take him to ballgames and play catch with him on the weekends…a father who he loved even after he left without saying goodbye.  Next abandoned by his mother when an incurable disease took her…a mother who would sit up with him for hours when he couldn’t sleep after his father had left…a mother who was always there with a smile, kind word and hugs for the children she loved dearly…a mother who he loved dearly and missed.

Now, he was abandoned by friends and family.


A son that refused to see him.  A son that he loved with his whole heart and soul and now felt abandoned by a father as he had been.  A son that he had made a promise to, “I’ll always be there for you LJ, remember that,” and now that promise had been broken.

A brother who believed in his innocence when everyone else only believed the lies that had been told.  A brother who was always there even when he’d been hurt by his anger and actions.  A brother who had learned from their mother to keep the faith.


Faith had helped his mother through the hardest times in her life.  Faith was something that she had tried to pass on to her children.  “Lincoln, no matter what happens remember I love you and I’ll always be with you.  Keep the faith and remember God loves you too,” she had said in the hospital hours before taking her last breath.

Christmas Eve, sitting in his cold cell as the snow gently fell outside; Lincoln remembered his mother’s words.  Pulling his legs up to his chest and leaning his head on his knees, Lincoln started to do something that he hadn’t done in years - pray.  He prayed not for himself, but for those that he loved.

bluedelft, lincoln, gen

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