Tired clouds sleeping on the ground

Feb 21, 2007 17:06

I love fog! ^____^ Other people may love snow or bright sunny days, but my favorite weather is when it's all foggy. Today, on the way into work, I could see the car in front of me, but not the car in front of that. We were all wrapped up in happy fog. ^^ which I know freaks many ppl out while they're driving, but for some reason, it's never bothered me.

On the downside, lately I've been feeling cabin-feverish at work. I want to go outside! Not be here! I feel so closed in and trapped. O_O I need fresh air.

While copying, the song "Jude Law and a Semester Abroad" played on my mp3 player. It's weird that a song that is so not happy and is all bitter and angry always puts me in a good, upbeat mood. ^_^ I really should make a playlist of high-energy songs on my chocolate.

Okay, song ended, upbeat mood temporary. >_< I need a vacation! Work just gets so tedious at times. Organizing the work library is soooooo boring. I don't know how people do this for a career. Sometimes the only thing that sustains me is the knowledge that I'm just doing this until I finish school.

I am definitely looking forward to bellydance tonight. I need to blow off some steam.

Periodically wandering back to my desk occasionally to type more comments into here to keep some semblance of sanity.

For the dress of Inara's I'm considering doing, I may have to grow my hair out just a wee bit. She wears her hair up in that episode, so a wig might be slightly impractical, but if my hair was just a bit longer, I could get one of those fake hair extension/bun things instead. Or I could do her normal down hairstyle with the dress. I can't decide how canon I want to go with this. Plus, finding a full wig that would be good enough to be Inara's hair and is in my price range might be difficult.

Okay, back to copying.


lalala soup and crackers for lunch. Yum! do-do-do

since I missed bellydance class due to the lvl 3 snow emergency, I may stay for the lvl 1b class after my class tonight to make it up (I'm currently in lvl 1a, though Holly is really pushing for me to move up a lvl). It should be fun b/c they do combos in that lvl. Though two bellydance classes in one night tends to = pain, I'll probably do it anyways. ^^

One of my coworkers doesn't have a first name. He just has a first letter -- "J". And there's no period or anything after it, so it always looks funny on the letters I proof for him. How does one come to the decision to not give their child a first name?

At the bottom of the letters, the initials of the person who wrote it are followed by the initials of the person who proofed it. Considering my initials, this has led to some funny combinations such as MAY/jab and JAP/jab (which just sounds wrong).

Yay! Cakey-cakey! **pink flower popcorn floating around my head** Matt bakes a good cake. Yay for coworkers who randomly bring in baked goods. ^^

Cakey gone. Tummy full. Mood better. =^-^=

Awwww! cuteness!! The iPod is in love with Eve! ^_^

Oy. Suddenly sleepy. Time for a pretend nap! **snores softly** Yaaawwwwnnn **stretches**

That so is not a substitute for the real thing.

print, print, print. letter, letter, letter.

You know, I think you could get way more water out of the human body than they do in Tank Girl.

Right now, I really want to play FFXII. ("Right now someone is walking onto a nude beach for the first time." XD)

Lalala now at the front desk. Boring up here, too. Mood going down. Cake wearing off. Got suddenly sleepy. Curse you sugar and your effect on me! ("curse you and your sudden, but inevitable, betrayal!" "sometimes you have to look at something and say, dang it! You're evitable!" "Numfar! Do the dance of joy!" "Maybe we could just 'com' without 'shucking'...?" Note, those are from two different TV series, and span four different episodes, one scene just flowed to the next in my head.)

Yay! Matt says he's bringing in another cake tomorrow! ^__^

Yesterday my Mac Hall book finally came in!! It's all in color, has commentary on every page and has a strip that is not on the server b/c it got left off by accident when they switched! **dances** w00t! ^__^ I also got a "Cthulhu: littlest elder god" t-shirt. ^^

On one hand, it's really flattering that multiple people have said some variation of "You're so beautiful, you'd make a great Inara!" On the other hand, it's kinda funny that, in a way, they're also saying, "I really think you would make a great whore!" XD (well, at least they're saying I should play a very classy, high paid, and rather skilled one. ^~)

Yay, work over! Time for bellydance!

work, webcomics, sewing/costumes/cosplay

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