I was told today that "menudo" means cow brain soup in Mexican. After looking it up, I found it's not cow brain soup, but apparently cow stomach soup instead (though brain may be an ingredient, too). So why was there an eighties boy band named Menudo?
I had a pretty crappy day yesterday for several reasons: still sick, student org. stress, situation with friend, Hyatt overcharging me, being charged $50 on my debit card for a purchase I didn't make, etc. I ended up going to sleep at 9 because my body finally was like, "Okay, you haven't gotten enough sleep all week. You're SICK. Go to bed NOW." Which was good because this morning I finally felt rested (though not entirely better), some of the issues from yesterday resolved themselves while I was conked out and the rest seem just a bit rosier and more manageable. ^^ Plus, this morning, while looking for emails regarding the extraneous charges (from last MAY), I ran across several silly emails Tina, Andy, and I wrote back and forth, which still make me crack up. The snippets below may not make sense to anyone else (as most of you are all sane) but they make me giggle, so I'm posting them here so I may revisit them from time to time when I need a cheer charge.
First email was from last May. I had just broken up with my boyfriend at the time and Tina wrote this to be silly:
Intelligent, Artistic, Sushi Loving Gal
seeking non smoker, book worshipper,
non relgiousy, respectful of personal
possessions, computer nerd, gamer,
manga/anime lover, and out sane
individual (gender not an issue) to spend
time being silly nilly, cutesy wutesy,
and lovey dovey with. No Normal
People Need Apply. Call 419-666-9173.
So I wrote one for her:
Kind, smart, creative, craftsy, talented baker and chef,
and sweetest gal ever seeks sweet, intelligent,
romantic, independent bookstore shopping,
in-touch-with-his-emotions man to snuggle with
while having picnics in Central Park. Must be kind
to puppies, kittens, and emus. And squirrels. And
rabbits. And geckos. And all living creatures for that
matter. And a few that aren't. Backrubs are a must!
Men cocky and full of themselves need not apply.
Call 419-IHUGYOU! ^_^
Andy was feeling left out, so Tina wrote one for him:
*Fun loving, Rock star/bad boy looks
in a sensitive to your needs, financially
& emotionally stable package seeks
woman who knows what she wants!
If you are athletic, a gamer, intellectual,
caring, and fun loving and want a REAL MAN,
this is the guy for you! And yes girls,
he has big feet! Must Love Cats.
Wishy-washy flakes need not apply!
Call 1.800.BIG.FEET now!!
The next bit was my impression of how I think someone expected me to react to a certain slam that really was lacking in wit and bite:
Woe is me! I shalt now have to go and throw mineself off a bridge and if yonder bridge is too low to end this humble existence, I shalt repeatedly and with vigor bang mine head onto the hard, cold, unfeeling ground until this flame ist extinguished.
This is just random from Tina:
ARMO THERAPY is ALL THE RAGE! How have you not heard about it?
It's where this little guy named armo comes and follows you around all day, complaining about his life and letting you know how he is feeling snubbed by you and that your responses are not nearly as helpful and caring and supportive as they should be (he's much like marvin from HHG2TG) And then after a week of that, he hits you on the head with a brick, and leaves. Then, after that, no matter what you had going on in your life before, you feel much less stressed in comparison now that he's not there anymore. Armo is very in demand, he's hard to get and costs a lot, but all the cool kids get him. Don't YOU want to be a cool kid, AnG? Huh? Don't you??
We were on the subject of mantras one day. The first two are from Andy, the last one is from Tina.
repeat mantra: "I am 50 ft tall and bulletproof. I am 50 ft tall and bulletproof."
Hang in there! Another good mantra: "I am a willow, I can bend." (like the tree... not like buffy's best friend)
Tina's mantra:
"I am 5'3 3/4" and deranged.....I am 5'3 3/4" and deranged"
The following is true (though it wasn't a real monkey, it was a plushie):
In other news, we just had a screaming, slingshot monkey in our office. ^_____^
More Tina being random:
we here at TrulyDirectionalLove prefer to steer away from hateful words such as "cult" and "weirdos." We're about Love that has a Direction that is True. Yes, with TrulyDirectionalLove you too can find a Direction that is Truly about Love. Please deposit $25.00 into the non marked white envelope enclosed to secure your place in our Love that is Truly Directed family. Or to have any contact with a loved one who has joined us, please deposit $1,500.00 into the non marked white envelop and deliver while alone to the 2nd floor conference room garbage can. Thank you for considering TrulyDirectionalLove.
Tina's reflections on situation at the time:
No interesting conversations with my car. My car is being distant lately and not calling me and being around with out telling me. Oh yeah, cause my car is a GUY. STUPID GUYS!!! We dislike them with their heartbreaking ness!! BLARRGGHGHH!!! Right. I'm done now. It's almost Henna Tattoo time!!
If you know what the below is about, it actually makes sense. It's just out of context and therefore sounds all crazy:
you get corruption gets more money and is sacrificed to the crocodile god, but you have no corruption buy down the corruption.
don't bind the tadpoles!
Well, except for the bit about tadpoles. That was just random.
We also often write little rhymey songs/poems, ranging from political to random to reflective to silly. This is obviously one of the silly ones. I've saved more of these somewhere, I should dig them out and reread them:
I'm a tired ti-na
I'm a tired ti-na
something something be-na
I'm a tired ti-na
Like my song??? I thought it was very creative!!!
One day Tina decided we should make alphabets. She took A-I, I was assigned J-Q, and Andy was given R-Z:
a is for aggravated
b is for bored
c is for carpul tunnel syndrome
d is for diplopia caused by staring at the computer screen too long
e is for exasperation
f is for fascist leaders
g is for gutting computers for fun
h is for hectic days
i is for ignorant people
J is for Joss, for Wheedon is our god,
K is for Kaylee, the cutest chief engineer,
L is for legs, for Wash loves Zoe's bod,
M is for mudder's milk, even nastier than beer,
N is for neanderthal, a.k.a the hero of Canton,
O is for obstinate, as our captain often is,
P is not for prostitute, but instead for companion,
Q is for questions about Shepherd, for many secrets are his,
R is for River Tam, and Simon her brother,
(I know I stole R from you, Andy, I hope it's not a bother)
r is for ready for fun
s is for silly games
t is for tomfoolery
u is for unabashed shenanigans
v is for violent outbursts of laughter
w is for weekend, how I wish you were here
x is for xigris (a lilly product)
y is for yawn
z is for zyprexa (a lilly product)
There was much more silliness, but these were the shorter, self-contained-ish snippets that don't require much back and forth between senders. Yay for running across things I had forgotten about. ^___^
There will be a con report, I'm hoping this weekend. Come to think of it, I still need to do a Cosi report (I think?), a 10-year reunion report, a COW report, and some other things. o.O I'm way behind. In addition to this weekend being a cleaning the apt., cleaning out my brain, cleaning out my inbox, and clearing out the extra crap from my life, perhaps it should be a catch up on LJ posts as well?
Random happiness: Matt's wife is pregnant and people keep giving them food and candy, of which she cannot consume all. So Matt brought in bunches of chocolate to work to share. ^___^ I <3 Hershey's cherry cordial kisses!
Oy. I think I now know why dad always kept me home an extra day after being out sick from school when I was younger. Today I was all "Yay! I feel better!" **dances** "la-la-la" and started running full-tilt chipper. Apparently, I wasn't quite ready for that and now I'm all worn out again. Oops.