Yay for Fridays off!

Dec 29, 2006 13:50

So, here I sit, not at work, in Chicago, typing on a friend's crappy keyboard. ^^ Yay for vacations!

I really should work on my wig, though. As soon as I hop off line. And get lunch. Then I will start adding more hair. ^^

My Love Hotels book came in!!! It is fabulousness and hilarity and kinkiness! There's even a section on the little "journals" or guest book entries ppl filled out! ^^

Every time I visit my Chicago boys (plus Chels!), Artie is always like, "Don't tell anyone, it'll be a surprise!" but then I'm left for chunks of time with nothing to do b/c no one knows to leave time available for me. ^^ Artie's coming to get me for lunch though (yay Japanese!), so that'll be good.

Oh! And tomorrow is tea time! ^^ **dances** And tonight is a club (finally getting to go to one in Chicago), but I have no idea where Scott is taking me (I hope I get to meet his new gf!), so I hope it's music I can dance to. He did ask me what genre, but I'm so bad at labeling exactly what kind I like. Not hip-hop, pop, or country. A friend told me he thinks what I like is Euro house, but he's not certain.

The homemade cookies and man flowers (beer) went over well. ^^ The boys liked them.

Watched The Covenant last night. Not the worst movie I've seen, but was pretty bad. Lots of eye candy though, both male and female.

Ramble, ramble. **distracted by something shiny, blue, and glowy** Pretty! ^^

So Tina and I have concluded that Chicago is now "Baba Ram." The (somewhat) logical train of thought to this is as follows: Tina called Chicago "Shy town" (chi town? spelling?) and I said that is technically a specific section of Chicago (learned in Af. Am. Visual Arts class), so she called it C-ville and wondered if that made her sound like a lesbian and I said it sounded like Barber of Seville, which led to Chicago being called Barber-town or Barbers (comments ensued about how much we like barbers and getting our haircut), then I said it made me think of Baba Ram from Surf Ninjas, which then sparked singing. Therefore, Chicago = Baba Ram.

Lunchtime soon! Artie should be back in a bit. ^^


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