LJ Interests meme results
- apple geeks: Fabulous web comic. Great artwork, cute characters, fun randomness, and interesting story lines. If it were a plushie, I would hug it every day. ^_^
- buttons: The kind that have statements on them, not the kind that keep your clothing together. For that, I prefer lacing. I have a bunch of buttons on my bag and periodically cycle through new ones. If you see me and my bag, feel free to read.
- costumes: I LOVE, love, love, love, love dressing up in costume! Halloween is my *favorite* holiday ever and conventions just give me more opportunities to get dressed up! I started making my own costumes (from scratch instead of just piecing them together from bought stuff) two years ago.
- faeries: I'm referring to the mystical, realm-of-the-fae, most-often-depicted-as-winged-little-pixies-kind, not the ppl kind. I draw these a lot, but most of my faeries are probably not recognizable as such to most ppl and have been described by others as little monsters or creatures.
- jack's mannequin: Solo project by Something Corporate frontman Andrew McMahon. Done at a time when SC had just finished extensive touring, McMahon was dealing with the breakup of a 3-yr relationship, and he was diagnosed with leukemia. This album project was from a very emotionally turbulent time in his life, which is reflected in the extremely emo music. When I'm in the mood for this album, I love it; when I'm not, it annoys me.
- manhwa: This is Korean comics (or the Korean version of manga, if you prefer). They resemble Japanese comics more closely than American comics. Currently, I am reading I.N.V.U. and Full House.
- penny arcade: Awesome web comic that has reached a status that few other web comics could ever hope to aspire. Oddly enough, in addition to producing a comic with random bloody violence and the Fruit Fucker, they donate and raise tons for children's hospitals (Ha! Take that stereotypes!). Jerry and Mike are angels; they've got wings, the halos, the harps, and those nifty sandals. ^_^
- serenity: **sigh, drool** Serenity/Firefly, how I love you. **floats** Joss Wheedon is a genius and a god (and the other writers, crew, and cast are little demi-gods). If you have not seen Firefly or Serenity, go watch them now! Start with Firefly (the short-lived series).**looks sternly at you whilst wielding riding crop**
- tae-bo: Exercise method created by Billy Blanks. Pseudo martial arts. I enjoy it b/c in addition to giving a good workout, I get to punch and kick. ^_^
- yuri: Female equivalent to yaoi. Technically, it refers to media with lesbian content, explicitly sexual or not, but the U.S. has redefined it as hentai-type lesbian materials. I use yuri to describe any lesbian related manga and anime, even the G rated stuff (i.e. Sakura and Tomoyo in Cardcaptor Sakura).
Enter your LJ user name, and 10 interests will be selected from your interest list.
Lately, I feel like I've been letting myself get caught up in minutia. Instead of working on the bigger projects that I really want to complete, I've been either working on littler projects or just goofing off. While, on one hand, I do think I need some relaxation, I think I've now crossed into the stage where I'm just procrastinating. For instance, the Luna P plushie is turning out to be a bit more work than I expected and I put it aside to work on other things and haven't yet gone back to it. And I know the moment I pick it up to start working on it again, I'll have fun doing it, but I have so much trouble getting started.
It doesn't help that lately, I think I've thrown off my circadian rhythm by taking too many naps. Now I get really, really tired around 8ish, I'll take a three hour nap, then be up until almost 2 in the morning and accomplishing nothing 'cause I think I'll be going back to bed soon, so I don't want to get into a big project.
I need a metaphorical cattle prod to get me going again.
On another topic, I feel a certain sense of freedom at the moment. I had been guarding my thoughts and mentally filtering what I posted on my LJ and I've recently decided to stop doing that so much.
One reason I think I started editing myself is that I now have LJ friends and I was trying to not ramble so much and take up space on their friends pages, but then I thought, "Wait a minute! LJ-cuts! And if they don't want to read, they don't have to." ^_^ Also, I sometimes would avoid writing on certain things to not offend or hurt ppl's feelings. But dang it, it's my LJ, I don't post anything too personal and if ppl are offended by my views perhaps they shouldn't be reading. I do still get a twinge for the thought that I might be hurting certain ppl's feelings on certain subjects, but I can't censor myself for any potential lurkers. That kinda kills the whole point of having an LJ.
It's kinda freeing to say, "Fuck it. I'm gonna post whatever I want." ^_^