Much life has happened ^_^

Feb 13, 2014 11:08

Hello, LiveJournal.

Long time no talk. It's kinda odd to think that I haven't logged on in years and yet here you still are, all my posts still existing out on the interwebs.

Well, LJ is no longer blocked at work and out of a sense of nostalgia, I popped over and read joetheguy's last few LJ posts (also from 2009).

In the big news of my life right now, Legend and I are getting married. :D He proposed on Jan. 10th and the date is Sept 27th. I probably won't have much time for writing and I'm not sure when/if I'll be back. But I felt compelled to make a post. =^-^=

In other news, still chugging along with photography, bellydance, and silk dyeing. I have taken up fire eating and dancing and done one workshop in aerial silks. I occasionally practice with poi and/or contact juggling, but nothing will probably come of that since I don't practice enough. The aerial silk thing isn't really a thought for performance, I just did the workshop to learn how to build up strength in my upper body. I WILL be able to do pull ups! **determined face**

Things are going utterly swimmingly. My work is good, my vocations are good, and Legend is an amazing partner and we're still in the giggly, honeymoon stage after more than 4 years together. Everyday I'm astounded I found someone so awesome and that he, improbably, loves me back just as much as I love him.

Oh, and in other news, JoeBro (my sister got married a few years ago) got accepted into Princeton's Doctoral program!! :D Sister will be moving to NJ soon. Boo! But yay for this amazing life opportunity for them both! :D

Nice visiting with you LJ. We'll see how long it is before I pop in again.

joetheguy, marriage, legend

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