Jul 22, 2006 12:26

ArtScape started yesterday and for the first time since its conception, I don't wanna go. The entertainment is nothing I wanna see and the quality of the food and people have went waaaay down. I guess I technically still went, I only did a quick walk-through after work. I wasn't impressed. This caused me to go home and fortunately, my order was waiting for me; Mezzo, Intial D & Scrapped Princess. I stopped at the Cut-Rate before that and pick up some Paul Mason, Liquid Haze, LIIT and some Peach Bacardi but like an idiot, I forgot to get anything to eat. I drank watched Intial D and then my stomach turned on me. When I don't eat anything before heavy drinking, my stomach acid because violent and me, once again, being an idiot grabbed two fucking chicken salad sandwiches. This was not good. Large quanities of alcohol and mayo doesn't mix well with me and I was tossing and turning all night. I couldn't take it anymore so I had to force myself to throw-up and damn it was rank! But the strange thing is, not a bit of chicken salad came out, eveything was liquid and it looked like my stomach acid was fucking boiling.
Now, my sense of smell is heightened and I'm smelling things I really would rather not have. It's abit annoying. My mother's birthday is this tuesday and we were suppose to take her to Medieval Times today but we fucked up and didn't try to book until yesterday and could only get regular tickets by then, so I guess we're going next weekend.
As for me today, I'm staying in. Hell, my cheap ass might actually cut the air on today...

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