May 04, 2006 14:00
Why did I have to bear witness to the Sissy Fight Night? I was on the Metro Stop, minding my own business reading a book and listening to some music when some little dude was a rabbit in a box came into the booth I was in. Apparently, he brought the rabbit against the wishes of his colon navigator and that lead to a little falling out. I've never heard a male whine like that in my life. He than beat on the booth I was in when his navigator gave him back his key and told him that he wasn't coming back to his place because he had a new friend (the rabbit). The guy that got dumped to him that he could have his way was him like he likes it and he wouldn't complain like he normally did. I just know that I wanted to curl up in the fetal position and block out that entire conversation the best I could. I had one other option, but that would be cruel and mean so I didn't do it. Besides, I was kinda drunk and wouldn't've held back like I should. Anyway, the train came and I ran down to the other end of it and boarded and to my delight, there was nothing but 5 women in that car. Instant relief.
Oh yeah, all this happened on my way back from acting like an idiot at the Movies out Owings Mills.
By the by, Silent Hill was pretty damned good and it should be a part 2 coming out.