Today -- well, yesterday technically -- was a little stressful. I went to see my caseworker, who basically told me that it's likely going to come down to the point that they'll have to give up on me. She said they could hand me over to somebody else... but there really is nobody else. She also kept asking if I hated her and saying it was okay for me to hate her, which was really odd. o_o I wasn't pissed off, and I told her I didn't hate her, but she kept at it. Strange.
I also called Vocational Rehabilitation to see if there was a possibility of hooking back up with them, but the main guy there flat-out told me it was going to be a waste of time. Oh well.
Sometime either late this week or early next week, I plan to suck it up and go to the library to seek volunteer work -- or if not there, possibly the hospital. At the very least, it'd be a start and could possibly get me some vital connections.
Otherwise, drawing, and I also finished my current playthrough of EarthBound.
In the end, I gave up on trying to get all the 1/128 drop gears. It was just too much grinding, and for me, EarthBound isn't a grinding game. It's a game to go through, enjoy the humor and the references and so forth, and just chill with it. I was getting too bored hunting for these blasted things. So I just went ahead and beat the game. Although...
For some reason, the battle with Giygas after the Devil's Machine gets turned off SCARED THE DAYLIGHTS OUT OF ME. It's certainly not the first time I've done that battle, as I've played through EB several times in the past, but for some reason... it just honestly frightened me. Doesn't help that I swear I heard that whole "Let me out of here!!" voice thing during the end of the prayer sequence. (It's something I've seen on a couple message boards and such, that amongst all the noise that plays during the final part of the fight when Paula has to keep praying, there's a very hard-to-hear voice saying something like "Let me out of here!" I was skeptical and kept listening for it, didn't hear it... until during the part it kept flashing back and forth during the final "player" prayer. Scared the blazes outta me even more!
That's always been one of the creepiest video game final boss fights for me, but just... brrrr. Maybe I'm getting more sensitive to these kinds of things lately. :p
I just hope I don't have any nightmares... *rocks back and forth* Can't sleep, Giygas will eat me...
Otherwise! Hopefully tomorrow (today?) will be a nice optimistic kind of day. I also still need to put down a note on my DA account that I won't be updating it anymore. And I need to clean the kitchen and the living room. And start on Paper Mario. And draw, draw, and draw some more!