Log: Harry and Hermione

Sep 19, 2007 18:45

Who: Harry and Hermione
When: morning, September 18
Where: the non-student dorms
What: They haven't talked in a while, and there are some things to discuss.
Rating: G/PG (totall 100% harmless)

Hermione lay on the bed in her room, not quite wanting to wake up. It was late in the morning, but she'd slept so fitfully that it seemed a shame to leave such a slumber. Her eyes were transfixed on the ceiling, her mind wandering. It had been a few days since her date with Ron, and everything was going all right, it seemed. It worried her, in many ways...if there hadn't been a fight yet, wasn't there sure to be one soon?

Stop being so negative. Let things move along as they will and fill in the gaps. Sighing, Hermione rose from the mattress, stretching her arms above her head to calm herself. She blinked a few times, casting away the last bits of sleepiness, and slid on the slippers resting by the side of her bed. Taking her robe off of its hook by the door, Hermione pulled it around her shoulders, relishing in the soft fuzzy fabric caressing her skin. Calm now, Hermione exited her room and walked towards the common room of the non-student dorms. It was a quiet morning, and the room was vacant; the rest were likely out and about. Hermione didn't mind, and, settling herself on one of the couches, pulled out her wand, said evenly, "Accio book!", and grabbed the healing book she'd left on her bedside table out of the air as it arrived.

Harry sat down beside her, having been lurking about waiting for her to wake up. It was weird being up first, but he hadn't really slept well the night before, if you could call short periods of your eyes being closed sleep. He leaned over just a bit to catch the title at the top of the page. "Morning."

Hermione jumped a little when Harry suddenly spoke to her; she had been so caught up in starting her book, that she hadn't even noticed him join her. Glancing at him, she smiled graciously and responded, "The same to you." In the last few days, they had not seen much of each other, whether because one of them was with Ron without the other, or they continually missed the other when they were in a certain place at Hogwarts. Hermione would wake up and Harry would have already left, or she'd return at night and he'd already be asleep, or vice versa. And so she was exceedingly happy to finally get to sit down and see him face-to-face.

"Healing spells?" Harry asked, gesturing towards the book. He was curious, but at the same time not really. He knew Hermione well enough to know that after her scare this was near inevitable. However, that wasn't really what he wanted to talk to her about and now that he was here, he wasn't sure he even wanted to discuss what he originally wanted to anymore.

Sighing, Hermione closed the book gently, placing it beside her. "It's a field diary, actually, from a healer during the First War. Professor Ravenclaw told me I'd be a good healer, so...well, I just thought I'd take a look, you know?" she said calmly, trailing off. She didn't exactly want to talk about careers at the moment, considering that this was the first time she'd really spoken to one of her best friends in days. Hermione added, sighing tremendously as if a great load had been lifted and touching Harry's shoulder, "So how are you?"

"Tired," Harry answered, and he didn't even have to fake the yawn that followed that proclamation. The fact that he didn't bat an eye at his tiredness didn't bother him. He had gone months without full sleep before and been fine. Only now he had tons of people watching him. "Haven't been sleeping well."

Hermione gently rubbed his shoulder, a soft frown marring her face. "That's awful," Hermione said softly. She knew that Harry had not been in the best of moods lately, but she hadn't realized that there was a severe lack of sleep involved. And when Harry didn't get enough sleep, though he pretended it wasn't a problem, she could always see that it took a toll on him. "Is there anything I can do?"

"Bring Tonks' dad back from the dead? Summon my mum? Get Sirius to sit still long enough to speak to me? Have Remus be less than awkward around me? Take your pick." He had to stop himself from continuing on in that thread. "How are you then?"

Frowning disapprovingly at Harry, Hermione pursed her lips. "I can't do any of that for you, Harry," she admitted evenly, completely ignoring his request about her own state. "I can help you get through the problems, but I can't wave my wand and make it go away." Perhaps she sounded a little bitter.

"Want to go for a walk?" he asked abruptly.

Looking at him quizzically for a moment, Hermione then sighed and rose from the couch, arching her back as she did so to stretch once more. "Sure," she replied, hoping that this walk would clear Harry's head.

"You could sound more enthused," Harry murmured wryly, grasping her hand in his own. His stomach rumbled loudly in the empty room and a small flush stole into his cheeks. "But first, breakfast."

Hermione caught herself starting to glare at Harry, and quickly wiped the look from her face. "Sorry, I just...I don't like it when you're so cynical," Hermione explained, accepting Harry's offered hand and starting to walk with him. "And breakfast sounds brilliant."

"Have you eaten yet?" he asked, even though he already knew the answer to be no.

Hermione shook her head. "Of course not...I just woke up," she explained sheepishly. She felt terrible sleeping so well when Harry got little to no sleep.

"Is it all right for you to be outside yet, or are we stuck inside this bloody miserable place?"

Biting her lip, Hermione answered softly, "I can go outside, though I don't know that it's best in my pajamas!" She hadn't quite realized the possibility of walking around the castle or the grounds when she'd left her room to relax in the common room in her bedclothes.

Harry grinned. "And it's fine for me to do so?" he teased, looking down at his striped pajama bottoms.

"I didn't say that," Hermione replied meekly, but grinning gently. "But if you're going to be in your pajamas, I have no problem being in mine," she affirmed, tightening her robe; it wouldn't quite do to waltz around Hogwarts in just a pair of thin sleep pants and a sleeveless cotton shirt.

"Wonderful. Breakfast, m'dear?" Harry asked, offering the crook of his elbow.

Chuckling, Hermione took Harry's arm and replied, "Of course!" She had desperately missed the goofy Harry that was showing himself now.

They wandered through the deserted corridors, no sane student being up at this hour, and wound their way down to the kitchens. "May I ask you another question?" Harry asked, tickling the pear.

Hermione took a deep breath of anticipation, not having seen the house elves in a while and still meaning to thank them for the food they'd provided for her and Ron. As Harry tickled the pear in the painting, Hermione responded simply, "Anything."

"Why haven't you gone home yet? To your parents? They've got to be worried to death."

Swallowing, Hermione didn't know how to respond. She hadn't exactly thought about going home, mostly because when she was at Hogwarts, it felt like the school year...and she didn't go home when at school. "I...don't know exactly. I probably should," she said meekly and sadly as the painting opened onto the kitchens. A feeling of guilt washed over her; she really should go visit her family.

Harry unhooked their arms as they slid onto the benches of one of the tables aligned with the ones above in the Great Hall. "Is it selfish to be glad you're still here though?"

Hermione shook her head and smirked. "You're not the only one who thinks that way," she replied immediately, thinking about Ron. But...did Harry know all about the two of them? Hermione bit her lip, wondering if he'd pick up on it and if she could explain it away.

"Oh?" Harry drawled, quirking a brow.

Cover it up. "Well, I think that way too sometimes about my friends," Hermione quickly responded. "Like when you were away and..." she trailed off. This wasn't working.

Harry chuckled. "Is this a not so subtle way of trying to tell me that you and Ron stopped dancing around a certain issue and are on higher grounds now?"

"What, about his vendetta against Crookshanks?" Hermione responded interestedly, employing all of her acting skills to pretend that it really was the response she'd intended. I'm sorry I'm lying to you, Harry. "They're all right with each other now, I think, so that's one less topic of argument between us, which is good." She wasn't exactly lying.

"There has to be a God," Harry gasped, looking in mock wide eyed surprise at her. Who did she think she was fooling? He'd only lived with Ron for seven years and been her best friend for the same. "Hermione Granger just told a joke."

Hermione stared questioningly at Harry. "A joke? I...I beg your pardon?" She almost wished she hadn't lied to him in the first place, but she knew that he'd forgive her if she ever got around to telling him the truth.

"The day Crookshanks and Ron get along is the day I eat one of his dirty socks." He reached across the table and grabbed one of her hands. "Hermione, like me, you're ridiculously easy to read."

Meekly, knowing she had lost, Hermione murmured, "But they do get along now." She consciously avoided the second half of his statement.

Harry snorted. "Suppose that'd depend on your definition of get along."

"Well they...are on good terms for the time being," Hermione confirmed awkwardly, trying to press forward with the thread of conversation without backtracking to anything personal about her and Ron. It was still strange, thinking of herself as part of a couple and explaining it.

"How long," He asked, wondering if she'd grasp the meaning and know he was giving her a chance without her even having to say a word. He was just honestly curious. It couldn't have been long, not with the awkwardness from a few weeks before.

"Ron and Crookshanks? Oh, since...since I was in quarantine," Hermione continued, not sure if that's what Harry had meant, but hoping he'd think that it was just early morning brain fog that kept her from understanding a possible true meaning.

"That's great," Harry said, and he meant it too. "Do you like blueberry muffins?"

"Yes," Hermione blurted out, not really caring what the food was. The fact that he'd dropped the subject of her and Ron, at least temporarily, was worth it. "You?"

"Yup, that's why I asked, makes things easier. Dobby!" Harry hollered, and the elf was immediately at his elbow.

"Harry Potter has come to visit Dobby!"

Harry grinned crookedly. "How are you then?"

"Oooh, Harry Potter wonders how Dobby is? Dobby is well, sir!" the house elf chirped, then turning to Hermione. His already enormous eyes widened. "And you, Miss!" he said pointing a long finger at her. "Dobby gave you and Harry Potter's Wheezy a picnic basket not three weeks ago!"

Hermione stared at Dobby for a few long moments. Brilliant, Dobby. Just...brilliant.

Harry laughed. "Dobby, can you do us a favor and get us a few muffins and napkins?"

Dobby bobbed his head up and down rapidly before disappearing into the crowd of other elves. A minute later he came back with four of the biggest muffins Harry'd seen. He glanced up at Hermione to see what she thought and grinned.

Hermione smiled appreciatively at Dobby as he gave them their oversized muffins. He really was trying, and she, of course, was very grateful. Glancing carefully at Harry, she murmured cautiously, "I'm sorry I lied to you."

Harry waved off her concern. "You didn't, not really. More like wove a tale and hoped I'd believe it instead. But really Hermione, Ron and Crookshanks?"

"You know, I really wasn't lying about that," Hermione stated matter-of-factly. "They did get over some of their issues while I was away. Mutual sadness," she mused. Perhaps by talking lightly of all of this she could avoid it?

"I'm sorry I missed that." Not really. A smidgen of guilt crept into Harry's mind and he had to try his damndest to push it back down again.

Hermione sighed. "It's all right," she said assuringly, putting a hand on Harry's forearm. "Really, Harry. Don't worry about it."

"I'm sure I'll discover the joy of that new found friendship later," Harry agreed, standing up, muffins in arms.

Rising beside Harry and leading the way through the sea of house elves to the painting, Hermione responded, "We'd best not push it. They're still in the process of reconiciliation and Ron would never forgive us if we somehow made my cat want to claw him to death again, even on accidnent."

Harry smirked. "So, do you mind going outside dressed like this, or do you want to eat inside and change first."

"The latter," Hermione sighed, smiling. As they walked back towards the dormitories, Hermione thought thoroughly about what to say to Harry; she now felt like a horrible friend for being so evasive about Ron and wouldn't feel right until she corrected it. "Er, Harry?" she started, trembling a little.

"Yes, Hermione?" Harry glanced at her out of the corner of his eyes and slung an arm around her shoulders.

Taking a deep breath, Hermione started as evenly as she could manage, "You...wouldn't feel awkward if...if Ron and I were...were together...would you?" Maybe it came out a bit too stuttery, but it was out there.

Harry turned his head to look at her and stopped moving. "Is there are a reason I should?" Harry asked carefully.

"Well, no, not exactly it's just that I...we..." Hermione had started strongly but her voice was fading. Why was it so difficult to say this to Harry? "We don't want you to feel like a...like a third wheel, or anything." She bit her lip; had she said the right thing?

"Hermione, you and Ron have been doing a two step around this for ages, and I've yet to feel like a third wheel. If anything this gives me license to point and laugh, this is fair warning for you."

Hermione blushed. "We have not," she muttered under her breath. There were some things she'd admit to, but others that she wouldn't. Harry had gotten what he was looking for and she could keep the rest to herself. "And if you do I'll be forced to hex you!" she added, smacking him lightly on the shoulder.

Harry grinned. "Yes, ma'am."
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