Feb 21, 2009 21:31
Well, ever since February 1996, this month has bitten the big ass monkey, as Graffeo once said.
So imagine my surprise when Feb. 2009 started sucking for other people, but treating me well?
I kept waiting for the shoe to drop. I didn't realize that it would drop, with my foot in it. And sprain my ankle, with contusions (I don't even know what those are, honestly, but they sound bad, and I enjoy spouting random medical jargon, so let's hear it for CONTUSIONS.) and possibly a stress fracture on my tibia. So I have to follow up with an orthopaedist. Also, I have a strange growth along my tibia, possibly an osteoma. I got a little freaked out by the "oma" part and told myself I wouldn't think or talk about it until I know for sure, but I have just looked up some info on them and am highly relieved by the word "benign" preceding the word "tumor." It's basically bone growing on my shinbone.
So I sprained my ankle. And I'm learning to use crutches. And it kind of hurts, but is no comparison to kidney stones, so is totally manageable and ok. And even though I flew to the ground with tremendous speed and contortion, I seem to have only injured my leg, and protected everything else. Even the electronics in my purse are ok. It was my left leg, so I even drove myself home tonight. (After being chauffeured around and cared for all day, don't worry).
I miss living in Virginia. Even though that is where this happened, in my old Court House haunts, I felt so comforted by familiar surroundings. It was even a familiar ER.
Oh, and bonus, because I also scraped the ankle skin pretty well, they gave me a tetanus shot. Yay, check that off the list of required vaccine updates. I do very well with shots, and this one was barely noticeable. Megan does NOT do well with shots, so it was kind of hilarious. I kept telling her it was over, and she wouldn't look at me. :)
The thing that REALLY gets me, though, is that I was on my last errand before the fun part of the day was to start. I was to go have lunch with Jessica, whom I haven't seen in a month, and then head to Baltimore to babysit my little cousin Ryan. I have been eagerly awaiting the Ryan visit for Two. Weeks. This is the first time we would have been alone together and I was looking forward to singing to him, and dancing crazy, and trying to teach him to say my name. He said "Di" last time, and that's ok, but it was hard to differentiate from "da" of "dada" and "Bye," so we were going to work on that. With bribery if necessary.
My cousin thinks I was upset to tell her because of making her search last minute for a new sitter or cancel her plans, but I just really wanted some kiddie time. I want at least one child in my family to know who I am when I walk in the door, or if his mom reads a card aloud from me. I love being down in DC, but it emphasizes the suddenly decentralized family we've become. My darling goddaughter knows me as "Auntie Diana from the picture." Tear my heart out, why don't you. I had a tough, crazy week with a lot of work, and this was to be my reward. So, even though I am still healthy and fairly mobile and not confined to a wheelchair or a hospital, and not even bearing a scrape on my hand, all I want to do is cry.
Or watch The Office. Maybe I should watch The Office. Or sleep. Or read. Wow, there actually is a lot to do to distract myself...