Apr 11, 2004 19:00
I have this creative writing course right? Well...we have to share our writings each week. I write frequently but rarely write anything worth sharing. So I spend hours staring at the blank white sheet (albeit a computer graphic representation of a white sheet of paper) and hoping to come up with something halfway worth sharing. So, I get this brilliant idea...and start typing furiously. My fingers don't work as fast as the little muse thing (I am kind of miffed at him right now so it has no name) so he gets bored an just leaves. I can't help it if I am a little slow.... Anyway...I miss him. Kind of. I mean, like I miss a sore thumb...it gets me out of washing the dishes but has little other use.
Church was great today. It is so cool to see God working. People were getting up and sharing stuff during praise and worship then Pastor Darrin got up and his message was exactly what everybody had been saying...(yes he already had notes and no, he didn't tell anybody what he was going to talk about). It was great.
Now I just need to work on homework and get a few things done before tomorrow. It is cold...I might still sneak in a trip to the park though.