Dec 25, 2008 19:54

 ok..  i know its been a while since i last wrote.. but man oh man do i have some serious holiday treats for ya.
  being that this is christmas and all, i think ill give a major post here.

it all started this past monday, when portland weather called for 6 inches of snow.
  that 6 inches turned out to be 8, then followed by freezing rain, then 6 more inches.
  so think of it like a sandwich.. you have snow on the top and bottom, but in the middle theres icy hard goodness.,

needless to say- the roads were fucked.
  i woke at 6 to call my boss and ask if we were even expected to come to work during this nightmare.. he said "yeah, everyones here, come on in!"
  i went online and looked at the bus schedule, but the buses werent running due to the weather.
  i looked at cabs- which were also not running..

then i called work and jokingly said "well the only way i can come in is to dig my car out of all the snow with a shovel"
  "OK!" they said..
  then i told them that if that were the case, they shouldnt expect me for at least 2 and a half hours since ill have to wait for a store to open so i can buy a shovel and then start digging.
  "thats fine, just get here when you can."

heartless bastards..

so i walk around and cant find a shovel anywhere.. so i use my sun helmet.
  whats a sun helmet?  its that hard plastic safari looking hat that mailmen sometimes wear..
  it worked, but it took forever.
  finally i get to work... 3 hours later.
  and no one is doing anything.
  all the carriers are standing around talking about how we cant drive in this crap, and on top of that- the mail trucks never brought us the mail!
  think about it: a big ass truck cant make it through the snow, but there i was, driving my 4 cylinder corolla through it all just to get to an empty post office..
  makes perfect sense..

i took a picture of ALL the mail for my route:

also, have a look at the snow on the vehicles:

and this is my personal vehicle:

so on top of all that- the power goes out at the post office.
  now we are starting to think were trapped, and conversations of cracking open the vending machine begin.
  finally, the union convinces management to let us go home and to deem this an unsafe day to work.
  i then walk out to my car and try to drive home, but i get stuck in the parking lot 3 times.
  it eventually took 4 people to help push my car out, and i finally made it home.
  absolute horseshit.

happy holidays!

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