Anti-OTP: Beelzebub/Famine [Bezzt Friendzz 4ever!11]

Feb 12, 2006 22:57

*ever wonder what demons do when they're bored? well, okay, they tempt innocents and burninate the countryside. ever wonder what demons do when they're done tempting and burninating-- aside from more tempting and burination, snogging angels, and snogging other demons ( Read more... )

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black_famine February 13 2006, 04:30:49 UTC
*leans against the doorway in passing, watching absently for a few minutes -- for no particular reason other than an equal sense of boredom, and perhaps amusion that a demon is keeping a cute fuzzy flesh-eating cat* *doesn't say anything just yet, just watches*


prinzzofhell February 13 2006, 04:34:29 UTC
*it's for Meta, he'd probably tell anyone who asked (angels are allowed to like cute fuzzy things even if proper demons don't indulge angels), and it mostly is, but there's a certain way he stops after each bit of chicken, a certain way he scratches the cat between the ears--*


black_famine February 13 2006, 04:51:19 UTC
*well, of course, and wouldn't call this into question no matter how much he may doubt it, should it be brought up, because understands that Pride is important* *but will clear his throat, quietly enough to be ignored, after some time*


prinzzofhell February 13 2006, 04:53:45 UTC
*there's a pause after he does so, a pause that may lead him to believe that Beelzebub will ignore him, but just when it seems to get to this point, the demon glances over, a unconcerned half-smirk on his face* Horzzzman.


black_famine February 13 2006, 05:03:23 UTC
*really wouldn't mind being ignored or noticed, either is fine -- but nods when he is acknowledged in reply* Beelzebub. *there's an unspoken -- not quite tension, but not quite question there -- it's almost pointing out that while he always refers to Beelzebub by name, said demon rarely shows the same courtesy*


prinzzofhell February 13 2006, 05:12:00 UTC
*--doesn't have much courtesy to show, we're afraid-- and keeps lazily feeding Wrath chicken* Yezzz?


black_famine February 13 2006, 05:21:27 UTC
* -- and really doesn't even know what he's doing there, so -- well, watches* Nothing, really. *almost as a challenge, as if quietly daring Beelzebub to protest his presence*


prinzzofhell February 13 2006, 06:01:21 UTC
Dozzzt thou like catzzz, Horzzzman? *in a tone of voice that implies that Beelzebub doesn't--hah*


black_famine February 13 2006, 06:05:46 UTC
I don't mind them one way or another. *in a tone vaguely implying that he knows better than to trust that tone*


prinzzofhell February 13 2006, 07:12:28 UTC
Nazzzty little creaturezzz. *said, of course, while petting Wrath-- in long strokes, from head to tip of tail*


black_famine February 13 2006, 14:27:36 UTC
*possibly with just a hint of amusion* Of course you would think so.


prinzzofhell February 16 2006, 06:55:35 UTC
Of courzzz. Demonzzz have tazzzte.


black_famine February 16 2006, 11:31:52 UTC
*dryly* I'm not one to talk much on tastes, really.


prinzzofhell March 12 2006, 04:56:07 UTC
No, I don't supozzz thou wouldzzt be. *with a slow--disapproving?--glance*


black_famine March 12 2006, 04:59:13 UTC
*slight eyebrowraise* Is there a problem with that?


prinzzofhell March 12 2006, 05:01:23 UTC
It simply seemzzz... unrewarding. *demonmods something a bit more classy-- say, lobster-- for the cat*


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