Damn it has been a long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 30, 2004 16:08

So the past week my aunt has been in town....... so i have had a very interesting week!!!!! there was a lot of no sleep, driving, laughing, arguing, shopping, and a bunch of crazy shit!!!!!!
So she flew in one week ago (thurs 23rd). I went with my mom to pic her up, and the whole morning i got txt messages from friends saying "where r u?????" it was funny! But i did go to skool for the sencond half. whoo hoo.......... Friday i did not go o skool, and my mom, my brother, and my aunt and I, went to Tombstone....... it was sweet!!!!!!!.................. not. But the best part of being there was that we got our photo taken. U know how ppl get all dressed like saloon gurls and get there pic taken in like a bar setting or something.... well that's wut we did, it was fucking funny!!!!!!!!! i love the pic!!! it's hell-air-ious!!!!! but yeah then Sat we pretty much just chilled.... didn't really do anything...... uh Went to Hollwood Video and rented some movies.... and saw this guy Arnez there... he is a kid that goes to my skool... so stayed up real late watching movies, on my mom's new flat screen tv that my bro got her for her b.day!!!!!!!!!! and got up waaayyyy early on Sun like 7am, cuz we were gonna leave to go to Sedona at about 7:30.... yeah right!!!! we left at 8:30!!!! i was pissed i could have slept another hr!!!! but yeah so we are driving driving driving driving driving............. driving and we finally get within a few miles of there and we stop to take some pic and my mom said "hey Deidra do u want to drive the rest of the way?" fuck yeah i did, gave me something to fucking do!!!!!!!!!!!! So now i am driving driving driving driving driving hey look SWITCH BACKS!!!!!!!!! sweet! so my mom is freaking out and i am kool... just kickin it..... driving..... eh get through those and make losts of stops and take lots of pics!!!!! and it is time to start heading home........ soooooooooooo i am getting on the interstate and my mom is once again freaking out!!!! hahahahahahahahaha!!! yeah get home..... watch friggin Mean Girls, hahahahahaha wut a funny movie! so get to bead at about 1'ish....... Mon went to skool my mom calls me after first hr and leaves me a message saying "hey i know ur tired so i am calling to give u an out. Just call me when u get this and i will come and get u." So i leave durring last hr and my aunt and i go and do some b.day shopping (for my mom) and get some food, and stuff..... took my mom to skool... did some more shoping... picked my mom up from skool, went to my place of work...... and watched a drag show, cuz my aunt had never been to one b4!!!!!!! OMG that shit was funny!!!!!!!!!! So i was driving this whole time!!!!!! but yeah on the way home almost got killed!!!!!!!! and then got home......... and my mom feel asleep while my sunt and i were wrapng her gifts....... and i made her a sign that said "HAPPY "5TH" BIRTHDAY" i was up untill 1:30am making that thing!!!!!!!! it took 4 ever and the best part is....... that my mom and dad were sleeping in the living room cuz my aunt was in there room...... so i had to be extra super ouber quiet!!!!! it sucked!!!! so yeah.....o btw if u r still reading this u rock so hard!!!!!!....... So we get up, my bro comes over we open gifts and she is all happy and shit, so we go and eat, and go around to places that would give my mom free shit 4 her b.day........ watch more movies and go to bed nothing to extensive happened..... But on Wedn i went to skool and Andrew and i gave our presentation, and then watched a movie in Theatre*yawn*....... came homa and went toFasion Square cuz my aunt wanted to expirence Build a Bear that was funny! so then i had to work...... bored....... camehome helped my aunt pack and went off to bed....... so today was ok dance we really didn't do anything...found out that the dance that i am doing 2morrow at Chandler Center for the Arts, we are doing for the skool at lunch....... yeah...... Hum found out we have some stupid ass 3pg essay to write........ lunch was ok..... ran that dance.... and then off to Math..... i hate that teacher!!!! Spanish was ok..... it's not a bad class, but hey it was pretty good............ left skool, got on the bus and Casey and Jeff were on it and Casey was talking and kinda flirtinf with me!!! it was awsome cuz now things aren't so wierd aymore!!!!! but yeah i am never not going to write in this thing for a week again, cuz i had a alot of reading and typing to do.......

Untill Next Time
Peace Easy Bitchez
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