(no subject)

Nov 28, 2006 18:27

so the madre is fine-ish. she is alive and was in pain today, until they mixed her up a nice cocktail, otherwise they have a NG tube in to keep her stomach cleaned out, and they were flushing it out everyonce in a while. Bile is kind of interesting to see. The tube was gagging her whenever she layed on her back though. She had just thrown up from it when i went i got there, but they think that if she sits up she will be more comfortable, so they asked me to leave and took out her arterial line, which they had to put in at her groin because they couldnt hit in her wrist.
when they let me back in she was asleep.
Im glad that she is at Chester county this time as opposed to johns hopkins. The icu nurse actually asked my mom what she thought the plan of action should be. she has had visitors from the OR and one of the surgeons who was in her surgery stopped by just for a visit too ( they are friends) it makes me feel better to know that since we cant be there all the time she knows people at the hospital, and they will come visit her.
also my cousin works there so she will be in to visit when she is working. she will be in at least for the week and im not sure yet when she will be out of the ICU, maybe tomorrow, but probably not. she'll make it through though
Mrs.casey (one of the surrogates) is going to visit her tomorrow, i am happy her and mrs. cipil are part of our family, im happy my mom has friends who care that much for her.

on the other hand i have a ton of shit to bust out at school tonite. FUCK!! soo screwed. how much to i hate life right now...fuck!
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