Yowza! Dreams from last night...

Jan 18, 2007 10:28

The first thing I recall was taking shower with another women. Very cute blonde girl, nice body etc. We wanted to test out a new sex toy. The sex toy was this strange heart shaped sponge that you take out of its case and hold on your back until you orgasm. So I stood behind this unknown girl, her hands were up against the shower wall and I just held this sponge between her shoulder blades until she came. Weird.

Next thing I remember...being in this yard with a rundown school bus/old house and miscellaneous junk. In the schoolbus was someone that didn't want to get out and leave or go wherever it is that everyone else was going. So this superman type of character, the type that makes everything better, came into the bus and made something very strange happen. There were all siting around and soon were enveloped by this huge air balloon type thing, only it had these wings that kept going round and round inside, like the balloon was going to take flight. It was made up of greens, reds, yellows, blues...very circus tent like. The balloon was soon full and the wings kept going faster and faster. At which time we were able to float around inside, as if we were flying. There was no gravity whatsoever. Just a few of us kids doing backflips and spins, getting dizzier and dizzer the faster the ballon went, until it left the ground.

Soon I was in a different dream all together. This was a very hellish, nightmaresque dream. I believe we were in actually in hell, but it was this rundown old town with bums littering the streets, which I didnt see until I creeped up from the subway. I remember there being a man in charge, and how he could make people evaporate, so everyone ran the second they knew he was coming. One particular scene I recall is being in a friends house. I was downstairs and it was a very nice home, very cozy. The parents were there, along with a brother. There was a set of stairs in front of me with a door right at the top. I walked up the stairs and opened the door only to find the bedroom engulfed in flames. There was a girl inside and she was still alive, she appeared from within the flames, most of her flesh gone, and half of her skeletal structure visible. Yet she was still alive. She pounced towards me, said something, then dissappeared back into the flames. I have no recollection as to what was said.

I also recall being on a gravel road. There was an old farm and shed nearby. Someone (I believe it was my thereapist) was with me and we notice a dog hiding around the corner of the shed. She goes to see what it is doing and tries to coax it to come out and play. The next thing we know it is running at as, barking and growling, wanting to attack us. This dog looked exactly like the winner of the ugliest dog competition a couple years back. Very ugly and demonic. At some point we escaped the dog and there were now three other present with us. We approached the dog again, even though I had said it was goign to attack and to be very cautious. To my surprise the dog had changed. It was now white and fluffy, and jumped into the arms of another girl I was with and was very affectionate. There was more, but I feel like I have written enough.

These dreams definately leave me with something to interpret.
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