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Oct 13, 2006 00:05

I love attempting to interpret my dreams. They have been quite vivid lately, so I have actually been able to recall main themes and find meaning.

This particular dream was a bit frightening. It went from myself and my sister, at what seemed to be younger ages, running around and playing with little friends of ours, although Madeline my 2 yr old neice was also present, but of course it looked nothing like her. At one point we climbed over a ridge, down a ladder and started sliding around on an ice covered pond. Madeline was in a highchair on the lake when the ice began to crack. Soon the ice was cracking all around us. The highchair fell beneath the water, I was still attached to the ladder and quickly bent forward snatching her to safety. Everyone else was able to prop themselves on a ledge.

The dream shot to me in a movie theatre running around twists and turns trying to find my way out. Going through door after door opening some only to find another door which would always be locked. I walked through a particular door which led me through a timeline of sorts. I was surrounded by wilderness but it was closed off like a zoo or a museum set. I carefully walked my way through, as the place was full of animals and I was frightened I would be mauled. The further I walked, the less it was like a closed set, and the more it seemed as if we were actually outdoors. I escaped what seemed to be tigers. I soon saw daylight, and was now actually outside...in what appeard to be a back alleyway. I hopped over a chain, and went on my way.

Scene three...it is now night, the city is dark and I am staring at the skyline off in the distance. I hear a heavy sound in the sky, and see a plane or rocket veer down to the earth with flames trailing behind it. It crashes in the distance. Chaos ensues.

And I'm going to stop now because this dream is starting to be tainted by the memory of previous dreams.

So...basic themes...ladder, ice, door, airplane.

Ladder: Symbol of climbing social and financial status, and of attempts to reach a new “level” in one’s life: marriage, homeownership, job promotion, increased salary. Being stranded at the top of a ladder suggests uncertainty about the next direction we will head in our career. Concentration upon rungs of a ladder indicates specific “steps” that must be climbed, in order to achieve a goal.

Ice: Ice on a road or walkway suggests a “slippery” period in our lives that challenges our emotional control and ability to arrive at a hoped for destination. (What’s the message? Navigate with care!) Ice also can represent “frozen emotions,” or a person in our lives whom we feel is emotionally “cold” or distant. If you feel the dream represents frozen emotions, it’s time to melt the ice, and bring the difficult feelings or memories into conscious awareness.

Airplane: Because of their associations with “big trips,” traveling on airplanes frequently symbolizes change, transitions, and attempts to “reach new destinations” in our lives. Destinations commonly include a desired career status-higher salary, responsibility or recognition-or social status, such as marriage or a committed relationship.
Plane “crashes,” loss of power, and trouble in flight are common dreams that typically reflect uncertainty about reaching one or more of these destinations. May be summing up your attitude toward an important project in waking life. Was your involvement in the project premature? Are you now feeling apprehensive? You may also fear failure to achieve an objective or ambition.

Door: Symbol of transition in dreams. Difficulty opening a door reflects feelings of being “shut out” of a relationship or opportunity in one’s life. Fear of opening a door, due to unknown consequences, suggests procrastination or hesitation from making a decision. Can you identify the opportunity that awaits you, unlock the door, and enter a new phase of your life?

Note how similar the meanings happen to be. I think I can actually take something away from it. Such as...perhaps I should stop questioning myself, be more ambitious and confident, whether in my career, relationship, school or future. I tell myself I am confident and I am ambitious...but like anyone, I still have doubt. And with so much going on in my life right now, so many changes, and so many decisions being made, last night's dream makes perfect sense! I have found that interpreting dreams actually helps to clarify what I may feel about myself and the way I am living my life. It brings all of those unconscious feelings to the surface. I highly recommend it :)
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