Snow Day

Feb 19, 2019 22:11

The girls were off school today due to a snow day. We had a mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain this afternoon. It was a little nasty out there for a few hours but I think most everything has melted away. I'm sure they'll have school tomorrow! Everyone always complains about snow days but I actually enjoy having the girls home with me, even if they do sometimes drive me nuts.

I've been struggling with impatience, anger and exhaustion for a few days now. This evening I noticed some painful spots on my face when I was washing it so I looked in the mirror (something I try to avoid.. ha!) and there are quite a few acne spots. Explains the Big Feelings I've been experiencing lately!

I had a partial hysterectomy (goodbye uterus and cervix, sit down and have a seat ovaries) in 2014, just a few months after Tea was born. So, while I don't experience the terrible bleeding aspect of a menstrual cycle anymore, I DO experience all of the hormonal symptoms. I still get emotional, have acne breakouts, exhaustion, headaches, sore boobs. I still have pretty intense ovulation pain, as well. Sometimes I regret not doing a full hysterectomy, but if I had them take the ovaries I would be in a whole different place with early menopause. So, I chose to keep the ovaries and everyone gets to deal with me being a whiny bitch on occasion.

Hopefully just another day or two and we'll be out of these hormonal trenches. I hate them! Though, they remind me of one of my all time favorite movie quotes from Knocked Up - "You know what? I know this isn't you talking, it's your hormones, but I would just like to say, "Fuck you, hormones! You are a crazy bitch, hormones!" Not Alison, hormones."

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