Fuck yougut_the_vanSeptember 14 2004, 01:05:44 UTC
Where the fuck do you get off calling me crazy? You also get my award for using the term "gay" the most in a less than 200 words. Way to go! Some fucking friend.
Re: Fuck yougut_the_vanSeptember 14 2004, 01:31:22 UTC
Oh well, lying to you isn't fun because no one here responds fast enough. Love ya lots man. In a heterosexual brotherly sort of way. Now I'm going to go photoshop you posters of unicorns to hang on your walls. And call me so we can do something this weekend.
Re: Fuck youpringle777September 14 2004, 02:44:37 UTC
well im ahead of you on this poster thing....im bringing it home of tuesday...hell yes...and if you think about it..wouldent you rather have gab on uer side...plus you were kind of phscyo...like in loveing her...all i want to know is why???....well ill talk to you later b/c it is like 11 and im damn tired...so talk to you later....god im so damn dumb
Privacy levels have a purpose, things like this shouldn't be talked about on a public forum to begin with. Call me next time... it's why I have a phone.
Re: Fuck yougut_the_vanSeptember 14 2004, 20:21:18 UTC
Yeah oh well. Shit happens on stuff like this. That's why I hate it so damn much... and thats why I prefer deviantart. But that's a story for another day, I'm off to go kiss some boys and generally romance some random men walking down the street. Maybe I can woo them with my good looks and witty charm. I'll probably go practice zoso like my hero Jimmy Page for a bit too. Oh and if you can figure out what zoso is, kudos to you. I'll bake you a batch of cookies or something.
actually, yesgut_the_vanDecember 16 2004, 22:52:48 UTC
zoso, the symbol paige picked for his runic symbol on the untitled zeppelin album (IV) It's a magical symbol of sorts, from some fucktard astronomer it's either a symbol for mercury or saturn i don't remember. Don't think i haven't loked into all of this before. I may not know as much about zeppelin as you but I know a bit. Oh, some people theorize that stairway was about the symbol, well not really the symbol but paige's room where he kept his occult relics. But who really knows. I think it was all a big acid trip. Thanks for the test though.
Re: actually, yesmikolaj_wrobelDecember 17 2004, 02:01:21 UTC
z stands for his astrology symbol and that fucktard astrologer is aleister crowley, the guru of wizardry and tarot. Z stands for his symbol, yes, but the main point, in omage to aleister and his beilifs, is OSO, which stands for 666, satans number. And robert plant wrote stairway, so its doubtful its about page. Infact Page is said to have cursed the band causing the death of robert plants child, and the car crash that broke plants leg during the recording of presence. So i diubt its about page and his beilifs.
Jimmy page even composed the soundtrack to a documentary about crowley.
Jimmy page even composed the soundtrack to a documentary about crowley.
who cares about who knows more
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