
Jun 14, 2007 23:12

We have a Wii!

I managed to convince Mum to buy one for my stepdad for his birthday (which is today). She rang me up this afternoon and our phone call(s) went something like this:

Mum: What is something geeky and computery that we can buy Greg?
Me: A WII!
Mum: ... a WHAT?
Me: A Wii! It is uhm, kind of like an xbox (we have one, it was the only thing that I could think of that she could associate it with) BUT BETTER! And uhm, you play the games using a remote controller thing that you wave in front of the TV.
Mum: uh.
Me: Like, in WiiSports, you play tennis and you wave the remote at the screen like a tennis racket!

I ended up sending her to EB's and she came home very confused with a Wii, an extra Wiimote and nunchuck. We have WiiSports and WiiPlay. We set it up tonight and have been playing WiiPlay. So much fun. My sister is absolutely hopeless, as is my stepsister. Mum, surprisingly, isn't so bad, I can see her getting addicted to one of the games.

Mum thinks it is the geekiest and most clever thing. She came up with the name for it, she called it Geekii.


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