Title: The Christmas Gift
Author: Raptorix
Series: Bleach
Characters: Ishida, Chizuru, implied IshiHime and ChizuHime
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
Summary: Written as a Christmas gift to Mell, since my muses were only capable of pulling off any ideas for her drabble request. x_x (I swear I'll work on the rest! I'm just kinda stuck for ideas at the
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Actually, random factoid, in Japan the age of consent is something like 14.
But in any case, I would guess that laws regarding buying adult toys in Japan would be connected to the age a person is considered an adult, rather than age of consent. Sucks to be 14, eh?
Then that'd be twenty in Japan.
But that makes no sense as the age of consent is 16 over here, the LEGAL age is 18 but yet the sex toy stores vary between choosing one age or the other.
I think I'd be too confused to figure this out.
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