Sep 27, 2004 08:58
Hey guys what's up? not much down here in Sin City Las Vegas. Man oh Man does it suck being under age for the next 3 years!!!! j/k, anyways i hope that everyone is doing well back home i hardly hear from any of you i mean i do have an e-mail addy but if none of you have the address its or you can e-mail me at either one works. to update you all, School is going fine its pretty much all just a review of things i learned in high school but i guess thats alright not complaning, and of course you all could imigane i have a drama free life right now HA HA if that were only true. There's so much bullshit going on with my roommate you guys have no idea, i live with a piggy and im being serious, my roommates a slob shes rude and bitchy and she takes my things with out asking and she smokes in my room after i told her not to. how shitty is that? but all in all my sweatmates are awesome there really sweet! but too bad one of them is leaving after this semester. you know whats hard to believe i actually am somewhat homesick, yes thats right folks sarah's homesick and wants to come back. but i guess i can tough it out i dont know when ill be back it may be for halloween or mid november not too sure well i gotta get going now so please feel free to write i hope to hear back from all of you. miss you all and take care