Nov 12, 2005 01:11
So I figured I'd explain my earlier outburst that seemed to have people slightly worried.
For those that didn't know, I'm currently writing my own campaign setting for D&D. Have been writing it for a few years now, just with being so busy with, you know, life, it never really goes anywhere past what I currently have. Of course what I have is nothing to sneeze at, which if you're on my other lj you know about. Lately I've been revising a lot of what currently exists, as well as finishing up another D&D project where I'm compiling a list of all the inhabitants of a certain dimension in D&D, known as the Abyss, as well as their stats and such. Both of these things, my campaign setting and the demon project, were on a 3.5 floppy that I kept in my huge "binder o gamer sh*t."
Most of you know what a piece of crap my home computer is, which is why I almost never use it, preferring instead the computer labs at school. However, one night I'm on my home comp, working on the demon project. All of a sudden, the file closes. I try to open it back up again and it won't let me. It won't even let me open the folder for the floppy disk, saying that its unformatted. This strikes me as very odd considering I had just been using it a few seconds ago. I try to reformat, and it tells me that doing so will lose all information saved on the disk...
Here's where the cursing began.
Luckily I had the demon project backed up on my home comp, and the campaign setting in hard copy in my binder. So really, it could have been a lot worse. The next day I go and pick up two new floppies, deciding to put each file on its own disk. That night I transfer the backed up demon project to its new home on the disk, making each chapter its own file to make things easier to organize, because there are a LOT of demons in D&D. Then I begin the long and arduous process of retyping the entire campaign setting, starting with the introduction, and then moving on to the races. Each of those two things of course, are their own files, for the same reasons that I did that for the demon project. Once those things were done, I planned on moving on to the other chapters in the campaign, such as gods, classes, and so on.
Today I finally finish the races file. A friend of mine comes in, who had just started playing D&D last night and thoroughly enjoyed it, so I show her my campaign, and then switch disks and show her the completed demon project. She leaves, and I pop in the campaign disk again. Instead of the files on the disk having to do with my campaign, for some reason, it adopted the files from the demon project, and every single one of them is corrupted. No pun intended. Basically, the demons possessed my campaign.
Here's where the cursing began again.
Luckily, one of the corrupted files, which I could actually open without killing the computer, for some reason had some of the text from the campaign races file (which was quite large, and explains why I'd be so upset at losing it). So I copy/paste into a new file, successfuly delete all of the corrupted files, then fill in the holes in the new races file. Hooray for hard copies. Luckily for me whenever I finish a file I print it out. There wasn't actually much missing from the races file, so that took me little time, and the intro file which was completely lost, only took me like 20 minutes to redo.
Of course it was only after all of that that I remembered most of that stuff is also saved on my other lj...
Yet more cursing.
Suffice to say it's been rough lately. Couple this with the facts that I just finished my radio show, there was no one there to drive me home, and Katie's at home for the night...yeah, I'm most likely not getting home until 6:30ish, until which I will be an insomniac in the computer lab. JOY!!