(no subject)

Oct 24, 2004 01:09

So karma is no fun,
I hate it when you realize you're getting
a taste of what someone else felt like.

Sheesh, so today I got up and made brownies
for the APO bake sale, I sent a few hours
with people over at the table, then I went
to lunch with Hayley and Melissa.
I really want to rebuild my image in APO
last year I was such a judgemental bitch.
Even though people may not see a huge difference
in me I know I have changed. I can attribute that
all to my good pal Angie Nicovich. This summer
one of the first weekends of camp a bunch of the girls
all had a sleepover in the staff lounge at camp,
and we all were being SO CATTY and MEAN, and hateful
and Angie popped her head up and said "why don't
we stop trashing people and go to sleep?" and
it was like an epiphany, I felt awful
I respected her so much and realized
that by talking trash for no reason
I was making the worst impression I could on her, and
everyone else there. It was then that it all clicked in my head
and I realized what a waste I was. All I cared about was myself,
being 19 and unselfish isn't to common but I am trying. What
makes it so hard is finding fault in myself without mentally
passing off the blame on someone/something else. Its a childish
behavior I have to grow out of. I need to change and grow up.

speaking of growing up
I am so embarassed and I really need to get my act
together, please pray for me y'all I need to start
working harder. Im on academic probation
from the honors program, and I could lose HOPE
which would ruin my life. Seriously.....

Yeah so I think I have decided, I am declaring
technical theatre, wow, I know I want to,
its what I love, I would love going to a
theatre every day and working with the lights,
and the sound, and stage managing,
but I am so scared as I already said....
cause I will have to leave the south.
Not that I love "dixie" but its where
my family is and I I dont know how I would do
w/o them. Although to think about how I could
find my place in New England makes me so excited.... I don't know.
As of now Sam and I have decided to move to New York and be roommates
still and stage manage and she can get with the current Benny in RENT
and I will marry the current Collins...and life
will be perfect(allowing that the actors aren't gay)

well I think that I am going to go get on the phone then read
then sleep soon

love `Annielou
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