all the people are dancing, and they're having such fun; I wish it could happen to me

Oct 01, 2006 23:39

Here's a very quick recap of my past week or so:

-I contemplated whether or not I should take Experimental Film next semester.

-I saw Haley Joel Osment for the first time. He is very short and was leaving class at the same time as me. Apparently he thinks "Upstein is the shit."

-I went and took my film from the summer to be digitised. Splicing it all together, I realised how much I miss working with film stock, and how I cannot wait to do it again.

-I watched Jaws in class and my first assignment for that class is to write an essay on Steven Spielberg.

-I ran for Publicity Chair of the College Democrats. And lost. I keep telling myself that the only reason I lost was because the other guy has a degree in graphic design and advertising, and not because people supposedly wrote "He's hot!" on their ballots when they voted for him.

-I went to a screening of the Spike Lee documentary When the Levees Broke at the Met. Spike Lee was there, but what made it even cooler was that I saw him in the Tisch building the day before.

-I went with Victoria to see The Queen open The New York Film Festival. It was followed by the Opening Night Party at Tavern on the Green. While Her Majesty herself was not present, Dame Helen Mirren, (who did an amazing job portraying her in the film), was. The whole night was incredibly surreal. I still do not know what the fuck I was doing there.

-I went to a gallery in SoHo where they had on display many of the props from The Science of Sleep. It was all interactive, and "tres cool".

-I went with Amanda to a fun party at Juliet's place in Williamsburg. It was the first time I ever tried Budweiser.

My new life is very bizarre.
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