Dec 18, 2005 03:48
da, da da daaaa! its that time again! time for anither drunk dorian lj enrtyr! ayay! hoooray! anyway, so i jjust went to this sooooo hipster party in greenish village it;s not eeven funny. angela, i swear, they had an architecture in heldsinki poster on the wall. and it was 3 floors! wtf!!!? th apaprtsment, that is, not the porster.
ok, so yeah, i'm making paragraphs cuz i remember that SOMEONE can't eread when there are no braewaks in the text. so here you are, you majesty. ok, so i drank copiious amounts of red win e tonight. oi feel like bachcus. too bad i was not at a bacchhhanallle! lol! that would be aweoseom. hopefully redwine isa ll i'll get drunk off in frloerence. i'm super psyched! i so fucking tirede of the nyc scene. it's all the same afetr a while, and not fulfuilling for me. that is to say , (and angela, two othet poeple told me tonight that i say that a lot!!!), i do not seem to be getting wht i'm looking for in neww oyork at the moment, so i want to run away. another continent seems like a good idea. another set of values. and beautiful ones at that. eben if he catholic chusrhch controls the country. ehllo! half my citizenship is in a country where jesus is int eh public offices! pix of him, that is. i shoult capitalise his name, proly. i do like to be pro[er.
he def waqs a cool guy. like, iu'm totally crhistian, if not for the stupid exremtmists that give him a bad name. fuck those fuckers. i hate them, theeeeeeyyyyy are the ones who are going to hell. fuckers. Jesus loves everyone!!!! no matter who the fuck you are. do you think he gives a shit!???? that's why he;'s jesus, hello!!! he was totally a hippie. and the stupid right always cite things from the old testament when they want to be all "by the book" or what not. jesus himself never said any of those things!!! he was all "love you beightbour!" and shit! and that's what i do! everyone is a human, and has his/her right to live a happy life. why those fucking cuntsucking assholes don't see that is beyond me. they are the farytheest thing from "christiman". fuckers. in the last tempatiaon of chirst, jesus say "i'm a heart and i love, that all i know how to do!" and that's so true! that's all i know how to do. sadly, human nature has given us the ability to hate, so we are able to do it, but why on earth would we want to? when has hate ever progressed humankind? never.
mean people suck. lol! i know thatls a bumper sticker, but still, it's true.
wow, it's bvery late. i should proly finich this up. i hope marys firedns are ok. they are nice. one of them remem=inded me of sylvia for a sec. i'm gonna miss everytone next smesster!!! it's sad that i can't take all the pople who i care about with me. i want to be on a mountain top. with a radio and good batteris. and play a joyous tune and free the huamn race from suffering. i'm no fucking buddhuist, but that woukld be enlightenment.
wow, that felt cheap. points to anyone who knows what i did just there. solike, yeah, where was i?? idk, but w/e. i should sleep now/ it;s laet, and i have ti study for science tomorrw/ blech!!! i'd rahther look at sexy painting.s i'm so screwed for that exam, thogh. i jst ohope that my cukoo litlle theorys about the paintings at the MoMA are goo d enoguhgh for lousie. it's cahirs!!! in your face!!! it's funny!! lol. an d defortmity is funny, too. not normalluy, but in picasso it is. big nose! he he he. oh, im sorry i wok you, julianne. why woukld you pick up at this hour?? althiugh, i guess i woukdld too. anyway, this was not at interesting a rant as last time. i apologise. jasper johns is sitting on my bed. well. my book is turnieed to that page, anyway. so yeah, now i'll sleep. man, curry smells good at 4 in the morning. even after lirtes of merlot. yeah, merlot!!! can you believe it??? it was so trashy! i g0t drunk off of merlot in plastic cups!! w/e. at leats it was wine. i can't wait til i can go and drink chianti at my leisure. soon. but now i rest, and dream of sweet tucasn ngiths, with the sound of crickets, and wine, and bachhuss, and that chick who wrote under the tsucan sun. and pasta. oh, how i love pasta. and meat, sadly. i ate meat this week. i'm weening myself off vegetarianism back to omnivorism. there's jst too much in euorpe that's good to eat that has meat involved. can we say prociuttto di parma??? si si si!!! bello. magia che te fa bene! ok, buona notte para tutti. ciao.