♥ OOC ♥ profile

Apr 08, 2008 15:27

Appearance: Skinny and lanky, Belphegor has pale, white skin and long limbs, but is overall, an average height. He stands at about 5'6" and is about 120 lbs. His hair is short in the front and in the back, but the bangs are so long that it covers his eyes completely, going down to the middle of his nose. It is cut straight across, and is an ash-gold blonde colour. His eyes are never seen and therefore, the shape and colour of them are completely unknown. He is constantly grinning, and dresses very casually despite his job. He is always seen wearing a silver prince tiara, and long sleeve striped shirts. He favours the colours of red, dark pink, and green, but will go for anything as long as it has stripes. He often wears a blank leather trenchcoat over it that goes to his knees, a white belt that hangs loosely around his hips, and black pants that are tucked into white boots. However, he'll wear anything cute, and casual, but still shows that he's a prince.

Personality: At first glance, Belphegor comes off as a mischeivous, quiet sort of character, but very creepy. He is always, always, always grinning, and scarcely says a word except to make a teasing comment towards someone. He speaks with a confident tone, and is very well-assured towards himself. He never does anything for others without a benefit for himself, and can be seen as very selfish. He is arrogant and works in a total belief that he will win no matter what, and because of this, is very, very determined. He will not stop until he is proclaimed the victor, moving on what is called a self-desire to win, pushing his body even past his limits. "His princely instincts won't let him lose." He never does anything that results in him lowering himself beneath others, such as apologizing or paying for food. His excuse for everything is that, "Because I am a prince." and he will often speak of himself as such. "This prince is bored."

He can be very sarcastic, and always speaks in a tone where it's hard to tell whether he's kidding or not. He loves to mock others and has a very playful personality, insisting that people entertain him and play games with him. He loves childish games like tag, and hide-and-seek, but plays them with a more risky and dangerous look to it. He is often said to be very innocent, but has a very cruel outlook at things. He can be very affectionate, and loves hugs and touching others, whether it be resting on their shoulders and peering over, or hugging them around the waist or, even kissing them. However, there is no love behind it, but just an amusement to him.

"It spilled my royal blood."

Unfortunately, once his own blood flows, he becomes a complete maniac. Snapping, he starts laughing at everything, signature laugh of "Ushishishi~", and making little moans, smearing the blood all over his face. He is uncontrollable then and his true genius is shown because of this. He is somewhat of a masochist, taking pleasure of his getting hurt, and not being bothered by this at all. His somewhat serious demeanor is dropped and voice becomes a excited hiss. He anticipates pain towards others and loves to see blood. If pushed further, he goes completely insane, putting off his own safety to accomplish his goals, as long as he wins.

However, in any state, he is still the genius of The Varia that he is known for, able to analyze any situation and play any circumstance into his favor.

Abilities: Belphegor has no unnatural abilities except for his complete genius and skills with knives and wires. As said above, he can use any sort of aspect in a situation and change it so he wins. He is very dexterous and agile, and is able to hit any target with his knives. He is an amazing fighter, and is feared throughout the mafia because of his prestige in fighting and killing. Upon seeing his own blood, Belphegor's power surges because it reminds him of the thrill of killing his brother.

History: Belphegor was born in a royal family with an older twin brother. However, when he was very young, he murdered his twin brother with his own hands. When asked why, he replied it was because he "mistook him for a cockroach." He had been working as an assassin for the mafia since he was young, becoming well-known for his marvelous skills and his lack of care for others' lives. He is also the Guardian of Storm from Varia. His first real fight was against Gokudera Hayato of the 10th's mafia team. It was a fight over who would become the owner of the Ring of Storm. The fight was long with the occasional interference of hurrican turbines that disrupted their fight time and time again. However, Gokudera started to lose, easily overcome by Belphegor and his obviously superior skills.

At another explosion from dynamite thrown by Gokudera, Belphegor entered his "Prince the Ripper" stage, causing the fight to become much more fierce. With time running out and Gokudera on the losing side, he made one last desperate attempt to defeat Belphegor with another explosion.

Unfortunately, he managed to knock the assassin out. As he attempted to take the ring from Belphegor, it seemed to wake him up, causing him to tackle Gokudera for the rings. Both of them fighting, the hurricane turbines began to self-destruct in a sequential manner, giving only one minute until they reached the fighting two. After an argument with his friends, Gokudera managed to escape, Belphegor barely hanging on in the remains of the room with exclamations of, "Shishishi, Ring~~ I'm the winner!"

In the next fight between Squalo and Yamamoto, Belphegor is seen again, bandaged up and on crutches, but overall well. In response to the others' surprise, he comments with, "Ushishishi~ The amazing prince woke up in the morning with the ring in hand."

False memories: Basically the same. He was born. He killed his brother. He went crazy. He got hired by the Varia, though this time, it's just an assassin grop of mercenaries for everyone. He lives with the owner of the Krank Schmutz Circus, Mad Hatter, and is often a participant in its... merry acts.

*ooc, profile

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