Mar 12, 2005 10:36
revolution will not happen.
it was part of the older memes and was subject to inefficiency due to mob mentality and id based reactions.
the revoltution of the 60's was the last one and appeared to fizzle when in fact it changed venues and became evolution.
the hippies who became yuppies appear to have sold out originally but that was an illusion that they thenselves even believe.
many went back to college, took the blue collar path, and gave birth to US.
now they seem to have set the stage for their ideals to be realized.
the concept of an agency to protect the earth.
the concept of fair economic globalization and anarchosocialism.
the concept of tribal recognition outside the gene pool or kinship lines.(the most important)
the concept of using religion as a psychological tool of transformation as opposed to conformity and social maintenence.(pulling this off in an individualist culture is difficult.thanx ram dass and depak).
the idea that everyone can get along without the barell of a gun holding it together.
thanx to all the old burnouts wherever you are.