additional info and permissions

Apr 19, 2010 17:47

❦Additional info and Permissions
Once you have been accepted, if you could fill out this form and post it in your journal under info, it would help a great deal when other people interact with your character. While not required, it is highly recommended you fill this out :D

❦ basics
name: the full name of the character you are playing
age: how old they are
Gender: What the physical sex of your character is
Movie/series: The movie or series in which they appear.
year or position: Be specific, our school runs from grade school to college level. :) So first year can count for MANY different levels.
Non-Speaking Animal Companion(if any): If your character has a non-speaking animal companion please list them here. This is specifically for characters like Khan, Meeko, and Flit. If you are applying for a disney princess who can sing and attract all the little woodland animals to your side, those do not count :)
Powers(if any): a description of your characters supernatural powers, if they do not have any, please write n/a.

❦ In depth:
Personality: The personality of your character. Feel free to just pull from your application
Canon Background: A brief history of the canon history of your character.
AU Background:Please give us a history which fits into the context of this game.
Appearance: a short description of your character's appearance(a picture or even a description of how they wear their uniform!)
Classes: The classes they attend or teacher
Clubs: which clubs they have joined or supervise
Best Subject: what their strongest or most favorite subject
Greatest Fear: This is meant to be an indepth study of your character's greatest fear. This cannot be generic or silly, but something very specific to your character's expriences and life. Feel free to pull from your App.
How long have they been at the school(remember this school is from kindergarten on):
Relationships with other characters: Describe your characters relationship with other players in the game.

❦ Permissions
Kissing/hugging/etc: Would you care if your character was to be hugged, kissed or given other gestures of affection
Injuries: would you mind if your character was injured, but not to the point of death
Killing: would you care if your character was killed(with the promise of being resurrected in a few days)
Mindreading/memory wiping/etc.: Would you care if you characters memories were altered

❦ basics
year or position:
Non-Speaking Animal Companion(if any):
Powers(if any):

❦ In depth:
Canon Background:
AU Background:
Best Subject:
Greatest Fear:
How long have they been at the school(remember this school is from kindergarten on):
Relationships with other characters:

❦ Permissions
Mindreading/memory wiping/etc.:


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