May 03, 2005 17:11
---------------WHAT IS------------------
[1] Your thoughts first waking up: just 5 more
[2] The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: height
[3] Your best physical feature: ughh i dont know...? hmm
[4] Your bedtime: 10:30 but i fall asleep at like 12
[5] Your most missed memory: Elementry school...o ya and middle school field trips haha...can you say loser?
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
[6] Pepsi or Coke: coke
[7] McDonald's or Burger King: with heather on this one!
[8] Single or group dates: both
[9] Adidas or Nike: nike!!...can you say shox's me and heather have the same!
[10] Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate yumm
[11] Cappuccino or coffee: frappuccino
-----------------DO YOU------------------
[12] Smoke: No
[13] Curse: yes..opps!
[14] take a shower everyday: yes i like to be clean
[15] have any crushes? yess like 654984 jk
[16] Do you think you've been in love?: no im 14
[17] If so, how long?: o uno the usual 685941 months...because i have a bf ;)
[18] Want to go to college: yes..princeton haha or chapel Hill go UNC!!
[19] Like high school: ya middle school sucks
[20] Want to get married: yes!!!!!!
[21] Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yes...if i didnt i would type like this jladuoij
[22] Believe in yourself: somedays not during dialogos lol
[23] Get motion sickness: nah
[24] Think you're a health freak: noooo
[25] Get along with your parents: ummm... haha on heather with that one too
[26] Like thunderstorms: yes they fun
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID / HAVE YOU--------------
[27] Gone to the mall: ya like yesterday lol
[28] Eaten sushi: good
[28] Been on stage: nope
[29] Been dumped: no...see i would have to get a boyfriend before i can get on heather with that one too
[30] Gone skating: haha...let me think ughh
[31] Made homemade cookies: yaaaa i like cookies..
[32] Dyed your hair: never
[33] Stolen anything: nope
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
[34] Flown on a plane: yes there fun
[35] Missed school because it was raining?: i wish
[36] Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: no other people do it before i get the chance
[37] Cried during a movie?: can you say the notebook?
[38] Ever thought an animated character was hot?: no....kinda disturbing..but whatever floats your boat haha totalllly with heather!!
[39] Had an imaginary friend: y no...simon says hello
[40] Cut your hair: by myself? when i was 3 i cut mine and the barbies lol
[41] Had crush on a teacher?: o ya mr.arnett is a hott one
[42] Been caught "doing something": nah
[43] Been called a tease: whats a tease
[44] Gotten beaten up?: actually i was pushed in a antpile when i was 4 but my dad beat that kid up lol
[45] Been in a fight: yup
[46] Shoplifted: no never
-----------------THE FUTURE------------------
[47] Age you hope to be married: 25
[48] Number of children: 2
[49] Describe your dream wedding: beach...gosh heather stop stealing my ideas lol jk jk
[50] How do you want to die?: in my sleep
[51] What do you want to be when you grow up?: radiologist or director
[52] What country would you most like to visit?: England
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
[53] Best eye color: blue or brown
[54] Best hair color: dark brown
[55] Short or long hair: short/medium
[55] Best height: talllll
[56] Best weight: healthy
[57] Best first date location: depends
[58] Best first kiss location: in the rain...good one heather
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
[59] Number of drugs taken illegally: none
[60] Number of people I could trust with my life: i dont know
[61] Number of CDs that I own: i dont know want me to go count? jk
[62] Number of piercing: 2 one in each ear
[63] Number of tattoos: zero
[64] Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: alot for report cards and such
[65] Number of scars on my body: depends..that could take a while i have been skating for 5 years...does anyone happen do know the average scarage for a figure skater in one year?
[66] Number of things in my past that I regret: a bunch..
[67] Shampoo: ughh i forget good stuff tho
[68] Fav Color(s): pink
[69] Day/Night: night
[70] Summer/Winter: winter
[71] Lace or Satin: lace
[72] Fave Cartoon: snoopy
[73] Fave Food: salmon lol
[74] Fave Movies: the notebook,mean girls, anything with orlando bloom
75] Fave sport: ice skating and football
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
[76] Right Now Wearing: jeans and a t shirt
[77] Drinking: nothing
[78] Thinking about: how i dont want to go to the explorers program tonight[79] Listening to: heathers xanga music...its free!!
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
[80] Cried: my eyes watered from my alergies?
[81] Worn jeans: yes
[82] Met someone new online: no
[83] Done laundry: no i try to do it all over the weekend
[84] Drove a car: i wish
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
[85] Yourself: i wish
[86] Your friends: yes they are great
[87] Santa Claus: how else would i get my christmas presents? jp-jp haha heather
[88] Tooth Fairy: no
[89] Destiny/Fate: yes
[90] Angels: yes
Got from heather!!!!! :0)~~