[PPTH] Another visit

Oct 27, 2008 17:59

Who: Aiden & Patrick
Where: Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital
When: Sunday evening
Follows: Nothing in particular


Aiden held out the gay porn DVD to Pat with a laugh. "Well, she's determined to get you back on the horse, isn't she?" he noted. "If," he peered at the back of the cover in Pat's hands, "Shane and Shaun can't do it for you, who can?" He offered Pat another Gummi Bear from the open packet sitting beside Pat's leg. So far, the candy had been the only thing Pat had attempted to try and eat, even if Aiden wasn't sure the other man would want to even try that.

[location] princeton, [who] pat, [ship] aiden/pat, [who] aiden, [place] ppth

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