[Princeton] Quality twin time

Jan 29, 2009 19:41

Who: Riley & Tab
Where: Downtown Princeton
When: Wednesday morning
Follows: Nothing really

Riley had somehow managed to drag Tab from Bed, Bath & Beyond into Babies'R'Us on their impromptu shopping trip in Princeton. He had needed stuff for the new house when he realised going from an apartment ( Read more... )

[ship] tab/luke, [location] princeton, [who] riley, [ship] riley/evie, [who] tab

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asinthecity January 29 2009, 08:52:24 UTC
Tab was trying not to be bored, really. Or scared. They were in a shop full of baby stuff after all, and with the baby stuff came the mothers and their babies. Babies that could jump out and suck off her face at any moment. Tab took the lollipop from her mouth - Riley's subtle way of trying to get her to quit complaining - and pulled her mouth to the side as she looked at it. "Person, or poop factory?"


pullmysteth January 29 2009, 09:00:20 UTC
Riley snorted. "What? Everybody shits, Tab. Even you. I thought I'd be jealous seeing Lachlan as a father, but I'm not. I love that kid. The way Lachlan and Tara look at him, it's just... I feel honoured they want me to be an important part of his life. And anyone Lachlan let's touch that baby, it's a miracle."


asinthecity January 29 2009, 09:05:11 UTC
Tab smirked. "Of course they want you near their kid. You're like Lachlan's go to guy. His best mate, so how can you not be a part of RJ's life? He's lucky to have you as his godfather. Plus he gets me, the awesome god-aunt as a bonus." Tab put her lollipop back into her mouth and poked at a plush duck toy. It quacked, and Tab giggled. "Can we get him the duck?"


pullmysteth January 29 2009, 09:08:35 UTC
Riley looked at it and laughed. "Yes, please do. Lachlan has a duckie complex. It will be highly amusing. And I note with keen interest, RJ has yet to suck your face off. In fact, I saw you smiling when you were holding him yesterday," he said with a smirk. "It's pretty cool how his whole hand isn't even the length of one of your fingers."


asinthecity January 29 2009, 09:15:42 UTC
"Is he going to scream and lock himself in the bathroom, or something? Tab asked as she picked up the duck anyway. If Lachlan really hated it, she'd maybe just keep it for herself. "Maybe RJ's the exception to the rule. And I can't not smile at my god-nephew. He's pretty cute for a baby. He's got quite a grip on him though. I thought for sure I wasn't going to get my finger back."


pullmysteth January 29 2009, 09:18:12 UTC
"That's a mic grip, that is," Riley insisted proudly and then shook his head. "Nope. Our Lachlan will be on his best behaviour, I think. Tara caught him smoking and now he's in the shit," he sniggered.


asinthecity January 29 2009, 09:20:52 UTC
"Our little next gen rockstar," Tab said, just as proud. "Does that mean no sex for him again? I can't even imagine what Luke would have to do for me to ban him from sex. What would Evie have to do for you to cut off sex?"


pullmysteth January 29 2009, 09:26:54 UTC
Riley shrugged. "Poor bastard hasn't had sex since Mexico anyway. Tara can't until at least six weeks after the birth, but now that might not even happen until Riley is, say, forty?" he laughed. "She told him he wasn't allowed to touch the baby until he stopped smelling like he had been humping an ashtray. I shouldn't laugh, I know. I have no idea what Evie would cut me off for. Maybe flirting with other nurses or something."


asinthecity January 29 2009, 09:30:51 UTC
"I can't really see her cutting you off. She still looks at you like she wants to eat you every time you're in a room together. It grosses me out," Tab told him as she screwed up her face. "Poor Lachlan. Forty years is a seriously long time to wait for sex. Smokers do taste like an ashtray. I'm kind of glad I gave up my social smoking habit. Doesn't mean I still won't enable yours."


pullmysteth January 29 2009, 09:38:55 UTC
"Nobody wants me to give up smoking. I'll be fucking Godzilla. With the pills and shit, I don't think my nerves have the stamina to quit smoking. And Lachlan did quit, it's just that craving is something you never really get over. He gave into it and probably wishes he didn't now. It doesn't help that his wife is an Oncologist and ultra sensitive about the cancer risks." Riley picked up a little baby blanket with a bear embroidered onto it. "I've never been a heavy smoker, though."


asinthecity January 29 2009, 09:43:18 UTC
"Yeah, plus you do look cool when you smoke. I guess it's like me and junk food though. I'm not sure what kind of a person I'd be if I had to give up my sugar and salt." Tab looped her arm through Riley's and gave the blanket an appraising look. "That bear looks kind of evil. Like it's plotting to steal all the honey in the world."


pullmysteth January 29 2009, 09:48:53 UTC
Riley looked at the blanket. "Where do you come up with these things? Be thankful I'm not trawling the breast pump aisle," he snorted. "I need to get some baby stuff for home. I didn't realise how sad my apartment actually was until I was clearing it out."


asinthecity January 29 2009, 09:52:55 UTC
"Healthy imagination?" Tab shrugged as she grinned up at her brother. "And personally I would be extremely concerned if you were strolling the breast pup aisle since you have no breasts with which to pump, and last time I checked guys didn't produce milk anyway." Tab scratched at her nose. "I told you your place needed to be a bit better. You can't just cram it full of baby stuff, though. You and Evie need your own stuff."


pullmysteth January 29 2009, 10:00:10 UTC
Riley laughed and shook his head. "Give me some credit, squirt. I didn't just spend nearly a thousand dollars in Bed, Bath and Beyond on nothing. I'm not latching onto my godson because I can't have kids. Just if Tara and Lachlan need some time off, we're close and will be able to help out without them having to trawl half of Riley's room along for the ride."


asinthecity January 29 2009, 10:03:30 UTC
"Are you sure? Because I thought you'd just spent all that money because of that old lady trailing us around. You needed to look like you were doing something, and not just browsing at towels." Tab bumped her shoulder against Riley and moved away from him to check out a mobile with clowns on it. "Hey, it's a great plan. I love that you're willing to be there for them that much. Just no clowns, okay? Absolutely no clowns."


pullmysteth January 29 2009, 10:10:22 UTC
"I don't want my godson growing up with psychotic issues. He's already going to be confused enough being half Scottish and half Irish," Riley laughed. "His drink of choice is going to be Scotch with a Guinness mixer. It's strange, though. When I'm changing him or something, I can't help but wonder what it would be like to have one of my own. I mean, not in a bad way or anything. Just kinda contemplative. He's so tiny and fragile. Imagine knowing you made one of them."


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